
Swiss Armed Forces — why does a country need an army that is not fighting


Swiss Armed Forces — why does a country need an army that ...

We all know that Switzerland remains neutral in military conflicts, remaining an oasis of relative peace and tranquility even ...

What is the secret of Victorian photographs?


What is the secret of Victorian photographs?

In the era of the reign of Queen Victoria in Great Britain, with the advent of such a miracle as photography, quite strange ...

The story of the knight Goetz von Berlichingen - a mercenary with a steel hand


The story of the knight Goetz von Berlichingen - a mercenary ...

Nowadays it is difficult to surprise someone with a functional prosthesis. But just fifty years ago, a biomechanical arm or leg ...

The battle of the friends of Verus and Priscus: how was the only gladiator fight described in detail in history


The battle of the friends of Verus and Priscus: how was the ...

The fight of the gladiators Verus and Priscus is considered the most famous gladiator performance in history and the only fight ...

The Muse of the Belle Epoque: the inimitable Cleo de Merode


The Muse of the Belle Epoque: the inimitable Cleo de Merode

The end of the XIX century in France was the beginning of a Beautiful era — the time of aesthetics and elegance. Beautiful women, ...

How Liverpool lived in the early 80s: candid photos of controversial photojournalist Martin Parr


How Liverpool lived in the early 80s: candid photos of ...

In the early 80s of the last century, Liverpool hit the bottom: these were the most difficult times for the city since the end of ...

Mariana Breslauer and its avant-garde photography of the stunning emancipation


Mariana Breslauer and its avant-garde photography of the ...

These pictures, formed in the image self-confident "new woman" of the 1920-ies, which belonged to herself. Mariana Breslauer ...

David Lozano's Toothy Monsters Inscribed in Abandoned Interiors


David Lozano's Toothy Monsters Inscribed in Abandoned Interiors

Spanish street artist David Lozano uses the gray and lifeless walls of abandoned buildings as a canvas for his graffiti, on which ...

The story of Princess Karabu, who was able to fool the whole of Britain


The story of Princess Karabu, who was able to fool the whole ...

The girl looked tired and ill. The poor cobbler saw her walking along the road near Bristol. He wouldn't have paid much attention ...

Pure pleasure: women who prefer cleaning sex


Pure pleasure: women who prefer cleaning sex

For possessed purity of people cleaning the house turns into a real ritual. Four British women said that don't go to bed with their ...

A stone on the heart: how women with large breasts suffer in everyday life


A stone on the heart: how women with large breasts suffer in ...

Although many ladies want to increase their breasts, there are also women who would be happy to get rid of excess volume. The large ...

Spying on the Parisians: windows and balconies of the French capital


Spying on the Parisians: windows and balconies of the French ...

Peek through the windows of Paris and admire the rooftops of the French capital with a unique selection of shots from the talented ...

Death at the toilet wall: what was the end of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu


Death at the toilet wall: what was the end of the Romanian ...

Some dictators manage to escape the reckoning and live out their lives peacefully. But this does not always happen. The leader of ...

La Jana: the star that burned in the Zenith of fame


La Jana: the star that burned in the Zenith of fame

Beauty, which was not destined to grow old, was considered one of the brightest stars of the early XX century. Her life ended on a ...

What is lacrimatory and why it is better to do without it


What is lacrimatory and why it is better to do without it

The word lacrimatory (lacrymatory) comes from the Latin word "lacrima" — tears. It is a miniature oblong vessel made of glass or ...

Shocking facts about the life and hygiene of women in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries


Shocking facts about the life and hygiene of women in Europe ...

Modern people have become so quickly accustomed to the numerous benefits of civilization that it is now difficult to imagine how ...

"A game of observation and imagination": how a street photographer from Spain fights boredom


"A game of observation and imagination": how a street ...

The Instagram of the Spanish photographer Pau Buscató is a vivid example of how unusual a view of the world can be. A young man ...

London youngsters of the 70s and 80s


London youngsters of the 70s and 80s

Looking at the photos of Ridgers, it is difficult to understand where fashion ended and rebellion began at that time. So it was ...

Portrait of his wife: Russian Muses of European artists


Portrait of his wife: Russian Muses of European artists

On July 12, 1919, the marriage of the artist Pablo Picasso and his beloved Olga Khokhlova took place at the city hall of the ...

The history of one monument, or how the British executed a monkey for espionage


The history of one monument, or how the British executed a ...

On the northeast coast of Great Britain is a small port city of Hartpool. This is a boring province where there is absolutely ...

Norwegian Museum Lofotr: a journey into the world of Vikings


Norwegian Museum Lofotr: a journey into the world of Vikings

There is a museum in the north of Norway, which is not boring, but really interesting. The main object of the Lofotr museum complex ...

Urinal de Paris: Paris ' surprisingly well-designed public toilets for the 19th century


Urinal de Paris: Paris ' surprisingly well-designed public ...

In a bygone era, photographer Charles Marville was an avid toilet photography enthusiast. Strange as it may sound, there were ...

Power in Motion — Spanish photographer turns street graffiti into GIF


Power in Motion — Spanish photographer turns street ...

We present to you a completely new genre of street art — graffiti! Spanish photographer A.L. Crego transforms street art into ...

The last peaceful summer of pre-war Paris, 1939


The last peaceful summer of pre-war Paris, 1939

These photos are 80 years old this year. They were taken by LIFE magazine photographer William Vandiver during his business trip to ...

What is a porn passport and how it will help protect children from “adult” content


What is a porn passport and how it will help protect children ...

The problem of children's access to non-children's content occupies many people today. Alas, in most cases everything is ...

25 amazing facts about Switzerland that you probably didn't know about


25 amazing facts about Switzerland that you probably didn't ...

Yes, you probably know that in Switzerland there are Alpine mountains, reliable banks and a lot of chocolate. But you probably ...