
Evil and good Slavic evil spirits in the paintings of Valery Slauk


Evil and good Slavic evil spirits in the paintings of Valery ...

Our ancestors believed in a huge number of gods and spirits. In their minds, every natural phenomenon, life situation or illness ...

An artist who paints with sun and rain


An artist who paints with sun and rain

Kal Gadzhum (Kal Gajoum) from Libya started painting as a child, and at the age of 15 he held his first solo exhibition. He ...

Unusual shots of hooligan celebrities from fashion photography Juergen Teller


Unusual shots of hooligan celebrities from fashion ...

Agree, the world is a little tired of strict, beautiful photo portraits of stars. Taken by masters of their craft, they are ...

Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas


Immodest female beauty by Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas

Hungarian artist Laszlo Gulyas calls his style of painting "emotional realism." He glorifies the beauty of the female ...

"Atypical girls": representatives of the punk movement from the 70s to the 90s


"Atypical girls": representatives of the punk movement from ...

These rare photos, published recently in Sam Nee's book "Atypical Girls: Styles and Sounds of the Transatlantic Indie Revolution" ...

Ugliness for the sake of happiness: how mothers in Africa and India mutilate their daughters to arrange their lives


Ugliness for the sake of happiness: how mothers in Africa and ...

The concepts of female beauty in different countries differ significantly. The canons of attractiveness have been formed for ...

Egyptian artist Maher Morcos: the path from a souvenir shop to high art


Egyptian artist Maher Morcos: the path from a souvenir shop ...

Many famous artists started small and moved towards their dreams. The career of Egyptian painter Maher Morcos started from a ...

Kind painting by self-taught artist Andrey Repnikov


Kind painting by self-taught artist Andrey Repnikov

Andrey Repnikov's painting, made in a romantic and humorous genre, resembles either Soyuzpechati postcards, or frames from old ...

The Heart of France: 30 stunning photos of Paris in the 1930s and 1940s


The Heart of France: 30 stunning photos of Paris in the 1930s ...

The city of love, fashion and freedom could not leave photographers indifferent. Among them stands out Roger Schall-a French master ...

Brazilian turns photos of strangers into adorable toons


Brazilian turns photos of strangers into adorable toons

Brazilian artist Julio Cesar (Julio Cesar) loves to create cartoons. In addition to creating new characters, he finds photos of ...

The Magic of Seduction by German Nude Photographer Rodislav Driben


The Magic of Seduction by German Nude Photographer Rodislav ...

German photographer Rodislav Driben is the author of beautiful erotic pictures that you can look at endlessly. The models in ...

10 interesting finds made inside the statues


10 interesting finds made inside the statues

Sculptures created by real masters are, if not artistic, then certainly of historical value. Despite this, scientists sometimes ...

13 stories about how it was created, the names of famous rock bands


13 stories about how it was created, the names of famous rock ...

The expression "as you would call a boat so it will float" has long been a cruise. The fans and the fans don't always know what ...

Before Digital Magic: Secrets to Creating a Legendary Cover Without Photoshop


Before Digital Magic: Secrets to Creating a Legendary Cover ...

Today it is difficult to imagine a photo without retouching and processing in graphic editors. Any photo can be improved: remove ...

Hyperrealistic drawings by Morgan Davidson in colored pencils


Hyperrealistic drawings by Morgan Davidson in colored pencils

Morgan Davidson's drawings are striking in their brightness and juiciness. The young artist draws inspiration from nature itself, ...

Vivien Sanislo's paintings that open up in the dark in a new way


Vivien Sanislo's paintings that open up in the dark in a new way

Hungarian artist Vivien Szaniszlo loves to draw since childhood. Her surrealist works have always been distinguished by brightness ...

Retro Pickup: How Berlin Flirted with Pipes and Telephones in the 1930s


Retro Pickup: How Berlin Flirted with Pipes and Telephones in ...

In the 1930s, Berlin nightclub owners came up with an unusual way to meet people. Their idea allowed guests to flirt and chat while ...

Matching Mom and Daughter Tattoos That Say a Lot Without Words


Matching Mom and Daughter Tattoos That Say a Lot Without Words

Tattoos have long become not only a way of self-expression, but also a kind of symbolic language that can express anything, ...

Drugs, Hellish hairstyles and Communism: The Nightlife of 80's Belgrade


Drugs, Hellish hairstyles and Communism: The Nightlife of ...

It is not surprising that the 1980s are remembered with special nostalgia by Serbs, because less than a decade later, Yugoslavia ...

Who are you born into? Elton John and his Parents


Who are you born into? Elton John and his Parents

On March 25, 1947, Sheila Fairbrother of Pinner, Middlesex, had a son, Reginald Kenneth Dwight, who later became known as Elton ...

The anomalous Lake Fundudzi is the pearl of South Africa, the water from which cannot be taken away


The anomalous Lake Fundudzi is the pearl of South Africa, the ...

Lake Fundudzi is one of the few lakes in South Africa and, according to tourists, the most beautiful. It is located in the Republic ...

Celebrities in the lens of Albert Watson: portraits that inspire


Celebrities in the lens of Albert Watson: portraits that inspire

Scottish Albert Watson is not just a fashion photographer. He is one of the twenty greatest photographers of our time. His pictures ...

Girls of the Chin people get disfiguring tattoos on their faces so that they are not kidnapped


Girls of the Chin people get disfiguring tattoos on their ...

High in the mountains of Myanmar, the Chin people live, whose women are still forced to wear the ugly scars of ancient barbaric ...

Everyday life of brownies in kind and funny pictures by Vyacheslav Alatyrsky


Everyday life of brownies in kind and funny pictures by ...

Do you believe in house spirits? Even if you don't, you still need to get acquainted with the paintings of the Russian artist ...

Temptation in Every Glance: Erotic Portraits by Photographer Michael Tan


Temptation in Every Glance: Erotic Portraits by Photographer ...

American photographer Michael Tang rarely signs his works with his name. On social networks, at competitions and even in magazines, ...

Women's destinies in the paintings of the Egyptian artist Walid Ebeid


Women's destinies in the paintings of the Egyptian artist ...

Egyptian artist Walid Ebeid is the author of very expressive works that many consider dark. He is sometimes called a ...