
The magic of dancing with the metropolis: a magnificent series of photos of gymnasts and dancers from Dimitri Rulland


The magic of dancing with the metropolis: a magnificent ...

Dimitri Roulland is a young and talented French photographer who regularly pleases fans of his work with new projects. Recently, a ...

10 film Directors who continued the work of Hieronymus Bosch


10 film Directors who continued the work of Hieronymus Bosch

Among modern filmmakers, you can find a lot of fans of Caravaggio, Goya or Rembrandt. However, none of the painters did not affect ...

Masterpieces of street photography: real life in every picture from the masters


Masterpieces of street photography: real life in every ...

Street photography is one of the oldest genres in the art of photography. It was born with the advent of the portable camera. We ...

Georgios Tsolis and fantastic life fantastic women


Georgios Tsolis and fantastic life fantastic women

Same artist, all the pictures which I want to take away at the Wallpaper for the system. Then the feeling that life is good!

"Fluffy Jesus" and 8 more fatal mistakes of restorers


"Fluffy Jesus" and 8 more fatal mistakes of restorers

The task of restorers is to restore dilapidated and damaged works of art. It will not be possible to simply cover up or paint, ...

Memory slow-mo: 17 best CanoScan in slow motion


Memory slow-mo: 17 best CanoScan in slow motion

In modern film as many stunts and special effects that simply dazzle. But once one of the main pieces of "cool" movie was in slow ...

Spying on the Parisians: windows and balconies of the French capital


Spying on the Parisians: windows and balconies of the French ...

Peek through the windows of Paris and admire the rooftops of the French capital with a unique selection of shots from the talented ...

La Jana: the star that burned in the Zenith of fame


La Jana: the star that burned in the Zenith of fame

Beauty, which was not destined to grow old, was considered one of the brightest stars of the early XX century. Her life ended on a ...

Jose de Ribera is a maniac artist, acquitted after 400 years


Jose de Ribera is a maniac artist, acquitted after 400 years

Finding the fine line between genius and madness is very difficult. It is especially difficult to understand the worldview and ...

Why do many Disney cartoon characters wear white gloves


Why do many Disney cartoon characters wear white gloves

You may have noticed that many Disney cartoon characters wear white gloves. But it is unlikely that you have seriously thought ...

The journey on the road of life: expressive of classic photos of Elliott Erwitt


The journey on the road of life: expressive of classic photos ...

Life — it is a long journey, during which the changing environment and faces around, and the main character continues to go ...

The statue of Aphrodite of Cnida is so realistic that she was once raped


The statue of Aphrodite of Cnida is so realistic that she was ...

Many people believe that throughout the ancient era, sculptors did nothing but create statues of naked men and women. But this is ...

What is lacrimatory and why it is better to do without it


What is lacrimatory and why it is better to do without it

The word lacrimatory (lacrymatory) comes from the Latin word "lacrima" — tears. It is a miniature oblong vessel made of glass or ...

Why was the prophet Moses depicted earlier with horns on his head?


Why was the prophet Moses depicted earlier with horns on his ...

If you are interested in religion and have held old Bibles in your hands or viewed frescoes in cathedrals, then you probably know ...

Why is China called the "Celestial Empire"


Why is China called the "Celestial Empire"

When talking about China, this country is often called the Celestial Empire. At the same time, residents of this country are ...

The most iconic songs of the band Queen


The most iconic songs of the band Queen

On July 13, 1973, the first album of the band Queen was released under the EMI label. Most of the songs were written by the band ...

Portrait of his wife: Russian Muses of European artists


Portrait of his wife: Russian Muses of European artists

On July 12, 1919, the marriage of the artist Pablo Picasso and his beloved Olga Khokhlova took place at the city hall of the ...

How Salvador Dali Descended into Dante's Hell


How Salvador Dali Descended into Dante's Hell

The famous “Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri begins with the fact that the poet, halfway through his earthly life, found ...

Criticism and showdown with the mafia: the story of the filming of the legendary "Godfather"


Criticism and showdown with the mafia: the story of the ...

The film "The Godfather" is like "Mona Lisa" in the world of cinema. Not everyone has seen her firsthand, but they have definitely ...

The author asks you to hold your breath. Unreal designs of coins


The author asks you to hold your breath. Unreal designs of coins

With a certain skill, putting one coin on the edge of another is quite simple. Try to add another one — and everything will ...

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova


Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Combining hyperrealistic style drawing with talent, accurately conveying the delicate beauty of the women he draws, artist Sergei ...

Super beautiful tattoos drawn in one line


Super beautiful tattoos drawn in one line

Tattoo artist Mo Ganji creates simple yet powerful images. The tattoo artist, who was born in Iran and lives in Berlin, makes ...

Power in Motion — Spanish photographer turns street graffiti into GIF


Power in Motion — Spanish photographer turns street ...

We present to you a completely new genre of street art — graffiti! Spanish photographer A.L. Crego transforms street art into ...

"Shell Grotto" - one of the most mysterious attractions in Great Britain


"Shell Grotto" - one of the most mysterious ...

Margate is an ancient town located in Kent on the shores of the English Channel. Founded in the 13th century, it attracts tourists ...

From sex with a crocodile before jumping into the ground: the most severe ways of male initiation


From sex with a crocodile before jumping into the ground: the ...

Men will always remain men and all my life someone something to prove. If the modern world can take place with money, success with ...

What do the grandchildren of Elvis Presley, Charlie Chaplin, Audrey Hepburn and other stars look like


What do the grandchildren of Elvis Presley, Charlie Chaplin, ...

Great stars like Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn and Charlie Chaplin have left this world forever, but have left a bright mark on ...