Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Categories: Culture | Exhibition

As you know, the reality could be worse than the unhealthy fiction. Perhaps that is why the subjects of paintings avant-garde artist Eugene Butenko, absolutely absurd, so close to the audience. Russian surrealism of this master has long been popular throughout the world and his work pleased the most famous gallery of modern art.

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Eugene Butenko was born in 1979 in Moldova and a large part of his life the artist spent in Chisinau. Only in 2008, Eugene sold the apartment and went to the home of his wife — in Russia. Today he is with his wife and four children live in the Osmino settlement, near St. Petersburg. He was taken there for any work and even some time he worked as a shepherd for 10 thousand rubles a month. It is in this idyllic place and were born most of the creations of the artist.

The master did not learn to paint — this talent was given to him from above. In 14 years Eugene realized that he was not interested in anything in this life except work. Despite this, Butenko graduated from the Slavic University and received the diploma of the philologist, which is immediately forgotten. He as wanted since childhood, made her profession the schedule.

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Working as a graphic artist, he organized his first solo exhibition in his native Kishinev, in the gallery "Art-aorta". It was called "Circle of memory Botticelli" and represented the cycle of works "Graphic diary."

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

To the question, what genre are his paintings, the Creator says simply:

Eugene works only by inspiration. In his life there were periods when he did not write a single picture, for example, from 2008 to 2012. Fortunately, the wizard returned to his work and created many interesting paintings with very unusual subjects.

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Boutenko argues that most inspires him is the fact that the artist has the full right to abandon conventional logic and "leper colony everyday meanings" in favor of the realization that in life as his own, and the entire society as a whole are so bad that worse could not be. This awareness is for him the creative impulse, causing you to fight with yourself and to seriously pursue art.

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Evil Russian surrealist artist Eugene Butenko

Picture Butenko unusual, but his way to Express is still not as extravagant as some other artists, living and working in the capital.

Keywords: Moldova | Unusual | Reality | Surrealism | Talent | Artist

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