Health and Medicine

10 tips on how to protect eyesight


10 tips on how to protect eyesight

We all know that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but few people care about them the way they deserve. In everyday life has so ...

Feline therapy — why people are treated with cats and how it happens


Feline therapy — why people are treated with cats and how ...

Cats have been living next to people for more than 10 thousand years. Back in the Stone Age, our ancestors realized that a small ...

Is it harmful to sleep a lot? What do the doctors say about this


Is it harmful to sleep a lot? What do the doctors say about this

For a very long time, the theme of sleep was surrounded by myths and speculation. Most often they said that a strong and long sleep ...

"Murderers" and "choleric": why doctors were not loved in Russia


"Murderers" and "choleric": why doctors were not loved in Russia

The low level of trust of our compatriots in representatives of official medicine is well known. Thanks to this, healers, psychics ...

10 frequently experienced emotions that, it turns out, have names


10 frequently experienced emotions that, it turns out, have names

Surely you have at least once in your life experienced the feeling that something that is happening now has already happened ...

10 medications with the strangest side effects


10 medications with the strangest side effects

As a rule, after receiving a prescription from a doctor, the patient goes to the pharmacy and buys the drug. Most often, people are ...

18 of the strangest and most ridiculous sexual deviations


18 of the strangest and most ridiculous sexual deviations

It is not customary to talk about your sexual preferences and other intimate details of your personal life in a decent society, ...

How different diets affect our teeth: a dentist's opinion


How different diets affect our teeth: a dentist's opinion

Many girls in pursuit of a beautiful body sitting in a hard, sometimes even extreme dieting, absolutely not thinking about how this ...

What is a miswak and can it replace our toothbrush


What is a miswak and can it replace our toothbrush

Nowadays, organic and natural beauty products are on trend, so it's not surprising that people remembered about miskvak. Thousands ...

Talidomida tragedy, or As a "miracle pill" to destroy the bodies and lives of people


Talidomida tragedy, or As a "miracle pill" to destroy the ...

Even in our days the drugs are carefully tested to determine the side effects and contraindications in the media from time to time ...

10 popular products that make us gain weight unnoticeably


10 popular products that make us gain weight unnoticeably

We are always in a hurry somewhere and often have a snack on the go. A cup of coffee here, a chocolate bar there, cereal for ...

Dr. Death Josef Mengele is a killer of thousands who has not repented


Dr. Death Josef Mengele is a killer of thousands who has not ...

Dr. Josef Mengele is one of the most demonized Nazi criminals. Unfortunately, most of the nightmares attributed to the doctor are ...

How Olivia Klopchin lives — a girl with a monster hand


How Olivia Klopchin lives — a girl with a monster hand

American Olivia Klopchin (Olivia Klopchin) at birth was the most ordinary child. Neither the doctors nor her parents knew that ...

Judgments, regrets and 10 more things that exude our energy


Judgments, regrets and 10 more things that exude our energy

Each person is endowed with a special energy that attracts into his life those events that he really wants. It is the energy ...

Love polygons, and the death of superstition: the primitive reality of a tribe of pygmies


Love polygons, and the death of superstition: the primitive ...

You would think that in today's world there is no place to wild customs? Sorry, you're wrong: the life of the pygmies of the Congo ...

Potatoes, beans and 7 foods that can kill you


Potatoes, beans and 7 foods that can kill you

Did you know that a simple dinner of boiled potatoes can lead to tragic consequences? Especially if you combine it with homemade ...

Scientists have found out how many times you need to ejaculate to keep healthy


Scientists have found out how many times you need to ...

Scientists from Harvard found out that increased sexual activity can save a man from prostate cancer. They published the results ...

Useful abstinence for men? All the "pros" and "cons" that are supported by science


Useful abstinence for men? All the "pros" and "cons" that are ...

Of course, you can rely on the research of reputable scientists, but something tells us that regular sex is not only pleasant, but ...

Dried, cured, smoked: as fish lovers to beer to protect themselves from parasites and cancer


Dried, cured, smoked: as fish lovers to beer to protect ...

Many of us believe that the best beer snacks than their own dried and dry fish can not be. This is why it is considered that this ...

How to clean lungs of smoker: best ways that work


How to clean lungs of smoker: best ways that work

The problem of purification of the lungs is important not only for smokers but also for employees of hazardous industries, people ...

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels


In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

In recent years, many of us have carefully read food labels, looking for evidence of their benefit or harm. Particularly successful ...

The skin is not like a baby's: why adults should not use children's cosmetics


The skin is not like a baby's: why adults should not use ...

For decades, "Baby Cream" has been considered a universal cosmetic for all occasions. Women applied it on their hands, face and ...

How to eat in the heat: 5 important rules for everyone


How to eat in the heat: 5 important rules for everyone

Often we do not even think about what and how to eat in the heat, without loading the body. Let's analyze a few important rules of ...

How did AIDS: a case history, which began with handsome gay


How did AIDS: a case history, which began with handsome gay

Several years have passed since the first cases of AIDS before the doctors were able to accurately describe this disease and find ...

17 rules that will save your life


17 rules that will save your life

Almost everyone knows that you can not write SMS while driving and what to do in case of fire. But life can throw up such ...

Why do we feel tired even without doing anything. Scientists warned about the danger


Why do we feel tired even without doing anything. Scientists ...

Sometimes we feel inexplicably tired, despite the fact that we did absolutely nothing. It can pile up at the end of the day, or it ...