Japanese beauty facial trainers that bring you closer to the ideal without surgery
Categories: Asia | Health and Medicine
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/japanese-beauty-facial-trainers-that-bring-you-closer-to-the-ideal-without-surgery.htmlThere are many ways to improve the shape of the face today, from the most radical, surgical, to various kinds of massages and masks. But there are not so expensive and at the same time even fun methods of fighting for beauty, for example, Japanese facial trainers. In the Land of the Rising Sun, these are incredibly popular devices used by both women and men.
The stores in Japan are full of goods, the purpose of which for our inexperienced citizens remains a mystery. Facial trainers are definitely one of them. Funny dog and cat faces, duck beaks, huge plastic lips - all this looks like some kind of masks, pacifiers or toys for babies.
But on the packaging of these devices you can see girls and women far from preschool age. Those who know Japanese will be able to read that the cute ahiru-chan (duck) is nothing more than "Sumairi ekusa saizu", that is, "a device for exercising a smile."
The duck beak works very simply. It is placed in the mouth and he himself stretches his lips in a smile, lifting the corners of his mouth and forcing the muscles responsible for the tone of the lips and the area around them to tighten. It’s worth saying right away that you don’t look like such a massager for a long time, because it is very inconvenient. The instruction advises to limit yourself to three approaches a day for 10 seconds each.
Lips in the position set by the "duck's beak" get very tired in 10 seconds, but the effect is immediately visible. The tightening of the corners of the mouth is noticeable even after one exercise, however, after a while, the effect disappears. But experienced users say that if you exercise regularly, then the muscles strengthen and keep the tone constantly. They say that the simulator can correct even an asymmetrical smile without surgery and fillers.
But the wan-chan (dog) simulator is designed for a different type of impact. It helps to correct the shape of the cheekbones and remove sagging cheeks. You just need to take it into your mouth and imitate inflating a balloon - all the necessary facial muscles will be involved in this and will receive their dose of load. Japanese women are sure that wan-chan tightens the muscles of the face, retracts the cheeks and makes the cheekbones sharper.
But if you want everything at once, then you need to buy "lips with a heart tongue." This machine looks very funny, but it combines the advantages of a "duck" and "dog", and besides that, it also vibrates. The intensity of the impact of the device is such that the manufacturer warns against its use those who have a headache.
Japanese beauties claim that the vibration of the lips helps to get rid of excess fat that accumulates on the face in the winter. It turns out that it can be “shaken” like the fat on the buttocks with a vibrating massager and make the face smaller and more attractive by the summer season.
This is important, because “kagao”, that is, a small face, is the ideal of female beauty. The eyes look bigger on him, and the Japanese, you guessed it, have a separate "fad". But “lips with a heart-shaped tongue” are not the limit for the resourceful Japanese. For the most extreme impact in the stores of the country, you can find a "muzzle mask" - Germanium Kogao Sauna Face Mask.
This is a real sauna for the face, made of dense, breathable fabric, impregnated with a composition that includes the chemical element germanium. Under the mask, the face simply sweats, while the chemical component acts on the skin as an antiseptic and antioxidant. Germanium is incredibly popular in Japanese cosmetology and hundreds of different products are produced with it.
Facial sauna with germanium works perfectly, but is there a pinnacle of Japanese genius? The Vonmie Nicobelt Facial Lifting Belt acts on the muscles and skin of the face with a current, providing a rejuvenating effect. He trains the large and small cheek muscles and, according to advertising, in just 10 minutes a day, you can get a small, pretty face with an ideal shape without a double chin.
A talking mask is what girls who love to talk to their girlfriends both in real life and on the phone need. It allows you to benefit from even the most meaningless chatter, as when talking it puts pressure on the area around the mouth, removing the nasolabial folds. True, judging by the advertising picture, the ears of the wearer of the mask are at serious risk and are folded into a tube.
And if you need the simplest and at the same time compact device for preserving beauty, then such a mouth stretcher with rubber bands is an ideal device.
He, like the “duck”, tightens the corners of the mouth, which is quite obvious and without explanation, and besides this, it eliminates sagging cheeks. It must be said that a person training his lips in this way is not a sight for the faint of heart.
And finally, let's talk about another innovative cosmetology thing from Japan - the Facial Lift At Once “dummy nipple”. It can be safely recommended to those who are concerned about the second chin. The massager is inserted into the mouth and its vibrations become deadly for everything superfluous in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chin and upper neck.
The manufacturer recommends trying to hold the device in your mouth for at least 3-4 minutes, which will give you an almost instant lower face lift. The "dummy" has several modes that differ in the intensity of vibration, so that a beginner can start with a "light version" of the massage.
But despite the thoughtful design and precise impact on the target areas, not a single Japanese simulator will be able to give you such cheekbones as Anastasia Pokreshchuk from Kiev, which she made herself.
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