Health and Medicine

10 brilliant tips for using honey for other than its intended purpose


10 brilliant tips for using honey for other than its intended ...

"If there is honey, then there is no honey right away"-even the most important sweet tooth Winnie-the-Pooh could not solve the ...

7 tips on how to avoid a tick bite


7 tips on how to avoid a tick bite

In spring and summer, in the field and in the forest, not only juicy greenery and birdsong are waiting for us. In the grass and on ...

Why do some people get hangovers and others don't?


Why do some people get hangovers and others don't?

It is well known that people not only get drunk, but also move away from violent libations in different ways. Someone mercilessly ...

How to survive the heat in the city? 7 rules of Chinese medicine


How to survive the heat in the city? 7 rules of Chinese medicine

Now it's a hot time: asphalt in cities is melting from the heat, megacities are slowly melting under the scorching heat, and its ...

Scientists have named 4 sign, which can identify potential alcoholics


Scientists have named 4 sign, which can identify potential ...

The number of people consuming alcohol in recent years has increased significantly. Scientists project that this trend will lead to ...

Why do you have nightmares? And how to get rid of them? The doctor explains


Why do you have nightmares? And how to get rid of them? The ...

Every person at least once in his life had a terrible paradoxical dream. As a rule, this happens infrequently and is quickly ...

Model from China went too far with implants in the buttocks and now can not sit


Model from China went too far with implants in the buttocks ...

Chinese model and blogger AsianBarbieDDoll is known for her numerous body modifications. Only on the buttocks in three years she ...

The counter is ticking: the micromort is the most creepy unit of measurement


The counter is ticking: the micromort is the most creepy unit ...

Modern science can calculate anything and has a huge arsenal of units of measurement for this purpose. An ordinary person knows ...

Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex


Killer libido: the 5 products you can't eat before sex

If you planned a romantic date with a girl, make sure that your daily diet lacked these 5 products. Otherwise, instead of the ...

11 Household Items that You Need to Stop Using Right Now


11 Household Items that You Need to Stop Using Right Now

Every day we use disposable wet wipes, drink coffee from capsule coffee machines and encounter a lot of completely ordinary ...

8 incredible scientific discoveries that we've missed


8 incredible scientific discoveries that we've missed

In a world where every day we are surrounded by hundreds of events can sometimes get lost of interesting and useful information. To ...

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic


9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

Alcoholism is a rather dangerous disease, which, unfortunately, not all people want to recognize. Some people think that they are ...

What threat do washing machines pose to people


What threat do washing machines pose to people

If you are asked to list dangerous household appliances, then you will surely remember gas stoves, electric meat grinders and ...

7 principles of youth preservation from 53-year-old Jennifer Aniston


7 principles of youth preservation from 53-year-old Jennifer ...

Throughout her career, Aniston had a reputation as an ageless diva. Today, the 53-year-old actress is not much different from the ...

By touch: an unusual nude from a blind photographer


By touch: an unusual nude from a blind photographer

Only by stretching out his hands, as if connecting himself with the heroes of his pictures, the blind photographer Gerardo Nigenda ...

14 mental disorders of modern humans, which you were not even aware


14 mental disorders of modern humans, which you were not even ...

Did you know that almost every fifth person on the planet has a mental disorder? Probably not, because the patients themselves do ...

The sun and cancer: advice from the oncologist about how to protect themselves from melanoma in the summer heat


The sun and cancer: advice from the oncologist about how to ...

Already for anybody not a secret that walking under the hot sun or a long vacation on the beach can be dangerous to humans. Indeed, ...

Is it possible to get sick from the air conditioner? Specialists answer


Is it possible to get sick from the air conditioner? ...

There is an opinion that a long stay under the air conditioner can lead to the development of various diseases in humans. But is it ...

5 reasons to eat green vegetables


5 reasons to eat green vegetables

You've probably heard about how healthy it is to eat green vegetables. However, this argument is not enough for many to force ...

Proper nutrition for a penny: can a healthy diet be cheap


Proper nutrition for a penny: can a healthy diet be cheap

There is an opinion that proper nutrition is very expensive and difficult, and only those people who have a lot of extra money and ...

Microgreens - how to grow crops, benefits and harms


Microgreens - how to grow crops, benefits and harms

Microgreens, or as it is now fashionable to call it, microgreens are a fashionable product in our time. It is also important that ...

Top 20 fat-burning and metabolism-regulating foods


Top 20 fat-burning and metabolism-regulating foods

As you know, to look your best, first of all you need to say goodbye to the extra pounds. A huge number of various diets offer us ...

The man with the golden Blood: how an Australian saved the lives of two million babies


The man with the golden Blood: how an Australian saved the ...

Every year, on June 14, the World Blood Donor Day is celebrated. On this summer day, we offer to remember a unique person who saved ...

Silence is gold? What happens if you don't make a sound for a whole year


Silence is gold? What happens if you don't make a sound ...

There are many sayings that it is better to be silent than to speak. Of course, we are talking about the need to think well before ...

A selection of sports beauties proving that fitness is not only health, but also beauty


A selection of sports beauties proving that fitness is not ...

Do you like sports girls? Perhaps, but, most likely, each of you has your own idea of ​​the appearance of these very “sporty ...

Sleep and grow thin! A new diet works wonders


Sleep and grow thin! A new diet works wonders

American nutritionists say that were able to develop a diet that will allow people to lose weight without putting any effort to do ...