Think you know how to wash your hands? We will teach you how to do it right

In connection with the rapid spread of the coronavirus the question of personal hygiene has become for millions of people the priority. Epidemiologists claim that one of the most effective ways of dealing with a dangerous illness — a thorough hand washing. It would seem that could be easier, but even this simple process has some important nuances, the ignorance which significantly reduces its effectiveness.

Think you know how to wash your hands? We will teach you how to do it right

Washing your hands several times a day significantly reduces the probability of falling into a body of bacteria and viruses. Leftovers and impurities present on the skin is a wonderful breeding ground for pathogens.

Think you know how to wash your hands? We will teach you how to do it right

Soap helps remove fat-water film and microorganisms that could multiply on the skin surface between the water treatments. Therefore, the use of soap is highly desirable when washing hands. But if for some reason it was not, it is best to wash your hands with just water, what's not to.

Doctors also believe that in the intervals between thorough hand washing with the use of special tools, will not prevent their periodic rinsing under running water without soap, just to remove that gets on your skin during the day contaminants.

Hands should be washed with soap before eating and after. It is also important to do so after visiting public places, transport, communication with animals, walking on the street, especially after contact with the money. Each of us will have to carefully wash their hands at least 7 times a day, but without it can not do.

Think you know how to wash your hands? We will teach you how to do it right

Soap — aggressive for our skin chemical washing the grease and drying the skin. But in these negative factors and lie its useful properties. In the film of fat on the skin of our hands live and breed germs and washing hands with soap and water, we get rid of them and temporarily destroyed favorable environment.

It is important not to forget that our skin a lot of the sebaceous glands, which quickly recover fatty film, which then starts the process of the reproduction of microorganisms. That is why washing your hands throughout the day can not be superfluous — the more the better.

Any soap destroys the water-lipid film, but antibacterial has another advantage. Antimicrobial components that are part of it, remains on the skin even after washing your hands, and suspend the growth of microbes.

Think you know how to wash your hands? We will teach you how to do it right

Antibacterial soap is not only hygienic, but also disinfects the skin. Alas, this effect is not stored for a long period of time, so the use of this product is not a reason less often to wash hands or to make it less carefully.

Many used after washing your hands to cover them with a special cream that helps to compensate for the loss of skin moisture due to the use of soap. Does this not contradict the meaning of the wash, after washing away the natural moisture film, we apply artificial?

Think you know how to wash your hands? We will teach you how to do it right

The cream is not applied after each hand washing. Its purpose is to protect the skin from drying out, reducing its barrier function. Usually the skin itself absorbs as much of the cream as she needs to hydrate, but if there are surplus, they should be wiped with a napkin. Remaining on the skin cream and actually can become an environment of microbes.

But washing your hands is not enough to protect yourself and your family from the coronavirus. Important and thorough cleaning,which has its own special rules.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Soap | Hands | Hygiene | Cleaning | Bacteria | Coronavirus | Disinfection

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