Food and Drinks

Labels on fruits can be eaten! 20 unusual facts about food


Labels on fruits can be eaten! 20 unusual facts about food

Food is our everything. And it seems we know everything about her. But is this really the case? Have you heard about the fact that ...

Thai cuisine: the most delicious dishes


Thai cuisine: the most delicious dishes

The inhabitants of Thailand are relatively poor people, but only the lazy are hungry here. Favorable natural conditions allow local ...

Traditions of the Russian feast: 10 stacks on the staff


Traditions of the Russian feast: 10 stacks on the staff

The Russian feast was distinguished not only by hospitality, excellent snacks, but also by a plentiful libation. And, if for some ...

Morning coffee in different countries of the world


Morning coffee in different countries of the world

How do you start your day? Well, besides the fact that you hardly tear your head off your favorite pillow and trudge to the ...

What happens if you swallow chewing gum?


What happens if you swallow chewing gum?

People say different things about chewing gum today. Some argue that this is an important element of oral hygiene after eating, ...

8 Most Popular Ingredients in Italian Cuisine


8 Most Popular Ingredients in Italian Cuisine

From this selection you will be able to find out what ingredients, in addition to pasta, Italians use in their dishes to maintain a ...

Red grid for oranges: a marketing move or a practical purpose?


Red grid for oranges: a marketing move or a practical purpose?

There are things that no one usually pays attention to, but just mention them once, and you will definitely not be able to get this ...

10 Most Delicious Italian Dishes


10 Most Delicious Italian Dishes

Italy has given the world many incredibly tasty and varied dishes. Millions of people start their day with a cup of espresso, cook ...

Strange is packaging meat in pictures LIFE in 1939


Strange is packaging meat in pictures LIFE in 1939

In the 1930-ies, the production of frozen foods was considered in the US is a promising sector, but then there was no more suitable ...

A Mexican woman creates works of art from banal fried eggs


A Mexican woman creates works of art from banal fried eggs

Today, food gets into the lens much more often than in the past: social networks are full of pictures of dishes, most of which do ...

12 crazy photos of food cut in half


12 crazy photos of food cut in half

Photographer Beth Galton and food stylist Charlotte Omnes decided to take a critical look at the products we eat every day. -- ...

10 quick tuna dishes


10 quick tuna dishes

If you are in a hurry and you don't have time to pretend to be a chef in the kitchen, a can of tuna can become a real friend. Tuna ...

People Are Sharing Their Favorite Food Hacks On This Dedicated Group, Here Are 10 Of The Best


People Are Sharing Their Favorite Food Hacks On This ...

One of the nice parts about cooking is that there is always room to improve whether you're a beginner or a seasoned chef. It's a ...

How pizza is served in different countries of the world


How pizza is served in different countries of the world

One of the best components of any trip around the world is the opportunity to taste the delicacies and culinary delights of ...

The first pancake is lumpy: 22 examples of terrible baking, which makes you uncomfortable


The first pancake is lumpy: 22 examples of terrible baking, ...

Baking is almost always delicious, but not always beautiful. Users of the @bakingfail subreddit shared their culinary failures, and ...

Top 20 useful life hacks that will help out in the kitchen


Top 20 useful life hacks that will help out in the kitchen

Everyday savvy helps you find simple solutions to difficult situations that often occur in the kitchen. For example, to keep the ...

Say the experts: 4 obvious signs of fake honey


Say the experts: 4 obvious signs of fake honey

Traditionally, the middle of August – a time when beekeeping comes the height of the honey harvest, and they start to swing ...

Nutrition of the near future: pasta from beetles, milk from algae and borscht from a printer


Nutrition of the near future: pasta from beetles, milk from ...

We are used to the fact that modern technologies are actively developing. But not only science and technology are moving forward, ...

Drink and lose weight found in alcoholic beverage that helps to lose weight


Drink and lose weight found in alcoholic beverage that helps ...

Now many men are coming home with the breath, all the reproaches of the spouse with dignity to answer — I don't drink, and brings ...

Scientists have determined is dangerous to humans, the dose of dairy products


Scientists have determined is dangerous to humans, the dose ...

From childhood we were taught that dairy products are useful and make us more beautiful and healthier. But recent research ...

Consolation at the bottom of the glass: how much alcohol can be consumed without harm to health


Consolation at the bottom of the glass: how much alcohol can ...

Many of us are used to dispel melancholy with a glass or two. People drink alcohol trying to cope with anxiety and uncertainty ...

Want to lose weight? Eat naked!


Want to lose weight? Eat naked!

In the fight against excess weight is all good. One of the ways that offers this British couple — there naked, sitting opposite ...

"Oh, amazing Kolomna!": as candy and cakes forever changed the city


"Oh, amazing Kolomna!": as candy and cakes forever changed ...

The first written mention of Kolomna is in the Laurentian chronicle and dated to the year 1180. Since then, the city has ...

How to eat cheese and not get fat


How to eat cheese and not get fat

No matter how much we love cheese, unfortunately, it is not very useful for the figure, since it contains a lot of fat. The ...

The Norwegian airline showed what was fed on planes half a century ago


The Norwegian airline showed what was fed on planes half a ...

It is always curious to look into the past — for example, who would have thought that half a century ago passengers on board ...

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest


Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

On August 11, we celebrate the Day of the white mushroom, traditionally revered by many as the real king of the mushroom world. ...