7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

Categories: Food and Drinks

It's no secret that many products that we buy in supermarkets are not only not useful, but can also cause harm. We will tell you about 7 such products that are most often found in our baskets. They are often offered to buy them at a promotional, very tempting price. But we will tell you why you don't even need them for nothing.

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

The fashion for orange juice came to us from the USA. Today, this sun-colored drink is associated with a healthy lifestyle and fitness. But juices in packages from stores have little in common with the freshly squeezed ones that Americans love so much. The technology of their manufacture can be shocking, but you should know about it, for the sake of your own safety.

Orange juice is produced by the concentrate recovery method. This method allows you to get a lot of juice with minimal expenses. First, juice is squeezed out of fresh oranges, which is sent for concentration. There it is boiled so that the maximum amount of water evaporates from the liquid.

The resulting thick concentrate is sent to factories in barrels. It can be stored in the raw material warehouse for many months until it goes into production. The raw materials are diluted with purified water, flavorings and a lot of sugar are added. But that's not all. Almost ready juice undergoes pasteurization — temperature treatment. Only after that it is bottled and packaged for sale. You probably guessed that there is nothing useful in the product after such processing.

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

So much has been said about the benefits of wild blueberries that the hand just reaches for the products in which it is contained. But we want to reassure you — there are no blueberries in all these yogurts, chocolates, muffins, muesli and cupcakes. At best, you will be dealing with reconstituted blueberry juice, as in the case of orange juice.

But most often, companies that produce "natural" products use flavors, thickeners and dyes with complex chemical formulas. And don't be misled by the "pieces" of berries and even dried berries in the product. Modern food technologies easily create an exact imitation of blueberries, without worrying about the health of the consumer at all.

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

Housewives are often delighted with vegetables prepared for cooking in vacuum packaging. And why not — someone has already washed, cleaned, sliced, and sometimes boiled them. You can simply add it to the dish when cooking and enjoy the time and effort saved.

But it is worth paying your attention that the price of such vegetables is 3 or even 4 times higher than that of ordinary ones. And even a discount, which often lures buyers, does not make such an acquisition profitable. There is nothing wrong with buying beets at the price of pineapple. But it's worth considering whether you are ready to pay someone for the work that you do yourself in a few minutes.

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

Buying cheeses, grated and packed in plastic, you pay not only for cheese and its processing work. Often the product contains substances that should not be in it at all. Including cheese, cheaper and lower-grade than indicated on the label. Cellulose may well be added to the parmesan so that it does not get into lumps.

This is the smallest powder, almost imperceptible and tasteless. It absorbs moisture well and increases the shelf life of grated cheese. It is not known exactly how harmful such an additive is for a person, but knowing that it is, you want much less cheese. Do you expect that there will be some sawdust in your pizza along with fragrant parmesan? Yes, grated cheese is also often made from old, unsuitable for ordinary sale.

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

Coffee in bags, and even with cream and sugar, is very convenient. It is especially appreciated by those who are used to indulging themselves with a hot drink at work or on the road. We strongly recommend not to mess with this powder. It has no coffee, no cream, and in some cases even sugar.

But there are many achievements of chemistry that successfully imitate the aroma of coffee, the taste of cream and give the drink sweetness. These are trans fats, such as coconut or palm oil, acidity regulators, stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes and flavors. Your body will not thank you for such a "team", so it's better to buy coffee and cream separately and a little more expensive.

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

In most ground spices, there are very few spices themselves. Moreover, it may not be in the ground pepper at all. Allspice is diluted with buckwheat husk, and turmeric and cumin contain a shock dose of harmful preservatives. Cassia is added to cinnamon, and saffron is easily replaced with marigold petals. Plentifully flavoring these fakes with additives and flavors, manufacturers give them the right taste and aroma.

But even if you are lucky enough to buy a real seasoning, this purchase can hardly be called successful. Ground spices are exhausted very quickly, so it is better to buy pepper with peas and grind it as needed, independently. It will take quite a bit of time, but you will be sure of the quality and save money.

7 useless products that are not worth taking even with a discount

Fresh salad packed in a bag does not cause concern. In fact, what could be wrong with it? To begin with, the cost of packaging may approach the cost of its contents. But that's not the worst part. Laboratory studies have shown that such salads can pose a threat to health.

The components of salads are washed and subjected to shock freezing. But they can also be treated with disinfectants. If they are not there, then nothing good either — a variety of bacteria can nest on the leaves of greenery, including such dangerous ones as salmonella. Hermetically sealed polyethylene packaging, inside which it is moist, is an ideal environment for the reproduction of many microorganisms and fungi.

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