10 essential foods for perfect digestion

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine

These superfoods are highly nutritious and digestible. They do not cause bloating, feelings of heaviness and normalize the work of the intestines — of course, if you remember that food should be thoroughly chewed and enjoy food in a calm state.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

A useful alternative to the "classic" white potato. By the way, most people don't see the difference between yams and sweet potatoes. Indeed, both products contain nutrients that are more easily absorbed than the elements of the usual root crop. 

It turns out that the point is in the nuances: yams have a higher water content, so it is digested very easily. Sweet potatoes are drier and have an astringent taste.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

Among the variety of legumes that must necessarily be in a healthy diet, it is the easiest to digest. In addition, lentils lead in iron content. By improving digestion, it also normalizes blood sugar levels. 

An additional bonus — lentils do not accumulate toxins, are rich in vitamin B1 and essential amino acids.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

Unsightly to look at, this soft fruit is surprisingly rich in protein and fiber: a medium-sized avocado contains about 12 grams of healthy fiber. But, despite the dense texture, it does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

By including avocado in your diet, you will eliminate several problems at once: the exotic fruit improves the composition of the intestinal microflora, increases peristalsis and normalizes stool. By the way, according to Ayurveda, avocado strengthens the immune system.

If you are afraid of an unexpected reaction of the body, add lime, a pinch of salt and cilantro to the fruit — they will help the avocado to digest.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

These are ideal breakfast items: a plate of cereals, seasoned with pieces of fruit and honey (almost 14 g of fiber in its pure form), will set up the digestive system in the right way and provide a long-term feeling of satiety.

As for sprouted wheat and whole oats, nature has not yet invented the best products for the health of the digestive system. 

Fill the cereals with hot water and leave them to infuse for a while — a healthy treat for your stomach is ready!

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

Among green vegetables, it is a recognized leader in digestibility and safety for digestion. Don't want to crunch the green leaves, make a drink. 

Spinach juice contains a lot of manganese-a substance that is vital for normal metabolism, high-quality brain and thyroid function, as well as the production of happiness hormones.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

It normalizes the metabolism, improves vision and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system-the list of useful properties of almonds does not end there. 

It is also a natural source of vitamins and trace elements. Just do not get carried away: a handful of nuts (about ten pieces) a day will be enough. 

Add them to smoothies or use them as a healthy snack.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

This fruit is especially recommended for digestive problems-and all thanks to the pectins. 

Due to its unique composition, persimmon not only cleanses the intestines, but is also the main food for bifidobacteria, stimulating their growth and activity.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

Another must-have product for those who are concerned about the digestive system. 

Ordinary-looking seeds have enormous potential: they reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, protect the inflamed esophageal mucosa from irritation, reduce the absorption of toxins, normalize the stool — you can list them indefinitely.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

To improve digestion, it is important not only to keep track of what is in your plate, but also to control what is in your cup. A win — win option is green tea.

Thanks to the catechins it contains, it reduces appetite and improves digestion. You don't have to cancel your favorite drinks — just one cup of green tea a day is enough for a "wellness" effect. Although, as they say, you get used to good things quickly.

10 essential foods for perfect digestion

Eating yogurt is probably the easiest way to normalize digestion. Thick snow-white "mousse" supplies the body with useful bacteria that stimulate the work of the intestines.

There are many ways to pamper your body: you can eat yogurt for breakfast, serve it as a dessert at lunch, or replace harmful sweets with it for dinner. For a good metabolism, it is enough to eat yogurt just once a day.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Food | Diet | Food and drinks

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