Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Categories: Food and Drinks | Positive | Society | World

Often, buy a delicious croissant with lots of filling, come home, open the packaging... and see a puff of something. But in the picture he was so handsome!

To avoid such unpleasant surprises, you should take only proven brands and products, not to pay attention solely on their appearance. Thanks to the efforts of marketers, even the most insipid and lackluster product can turn into "candy"! 25 examples of the cunning of disguise you can see below.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

The tube of cream was not such as we would like...

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

When you need to reduce the cost of production, just change the packaging design! P. S. they Cost the same...

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Interestingly, for the note lies inside? "Congratulations, you have become another sucker"?

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

It seems that there is four icons, but no... Two of them were just pictures on the packaging.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

One of the cubes suddenly appeared by the box.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Even buying a phone, you can't be 100% sure that you will get all those "chips" that is promised.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

They put inside the Lego cone with the image details to make it look more...

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Well, thanks for that.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Alleged environmental handle of wood was not the eco.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

"I thought we promised that the jar is full?"

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Well, that's blasphemy!

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Ordering a lunchbox in Japan, be ready for surprises.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Yes... This is what awaits the buyer.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Divorce festive.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Everything seems to be fair, but still a bit annoying...

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Very interesting packaging design... Certainly a beauty!

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

And wow, this looks delicious!

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

And this happens...

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

The packaging honestly wrote that only six cartridges, but why draw and take two extra hold?!

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

When I decided to treat myself cured meats to beer, but something went wrong.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

Mmm... she is delicious, this is your basket... with paper?

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

This tea is not revealed.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell


Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell

The problem with the stuffing, or rather its absence, is familiar to everyone.

Don't believe the packaging, or Why marketers prepared for a separate boiler in hell


Keywords: Illusion | Marketing | Hype | Sales | Products | Secrets | Items | Tricks

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