Scientists have discovered a simple product that can protect from cancer

Scientists have discovered a simple product that can protect from cancer

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine | Science | Society | World

At the annual meeting of the American Association for cancer research (AACR) announced the discovery of a simple product that can protect against the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.

According to the study, the results of which are published on the official website of the organization, the use of whole-grain products and cereals is the best way to prevent cancer. Learn more about the findings of scientists, you can below.

Scientists have discovered a simple product that can protect from cancer

In an article published on the website AACR, States that the whole grain foods have the ability to keep the development of liver cancer by lowering dependence on insulin.

To check the impact on the body, regular intake of these products, the researchers checked on the health of more than 125 thousand people.

Scientists have discovered a simple product that can protect from cancer

In the experiment, we used data audits in 1976 and 1986 among health-care workers. Men and women every four years for 32 years completed questionnaires about their health and food habits.

During this period, 141 participant observations were diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma or liver cancer. Having studied the diet of cancer patients and people whose health remains normal, the scientists came to the following conclusions:

Scientists have discovered a simple product that can protect from cancer

Such properties of whole grain was due to its composition: the bran – the outer protective layer of the grain, the endosperm – the middle layer and germ. In order to prepare the flour for white bread, whole grain processed, removing them from the bran and germ. However, according to Zhang, that they contain the greatest amount of vitamins and other beneficial for the human body substances.

I think it's time to think about the introduction in the diet of foods containing whole grains.

Keywords: Illness | Disease | Research | Treatment | Oncology | Products | Cancer | Scientists

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