What is runner's euphoria and how scientists explain this phenomenon

What is runner's euphoria and how scientists explain this phenomenon

Categories: Health and Medicine | Science | Sport

Runner's euphoria is a condition observed in athletes in cycling sports during prolonged exercise. It can be described as a state of special elation, in which resistance to fatigue and even pain increases. Some compare this feeling to mild intoxication. This phenomenon has been familiar to people for thousands of years, but interest in it arose in the 1970s, when the fashion for jogging came to the United States. While studying runner's euphoria, scientists made several important discoveries, including the discovery of μ-opiate receptors in the brain.

What is runner's euphoria and how scientists explain this phenomenon

Athletes who have experienced euphoria describe it in different ways. For some, it resembles alcohol or drug intoxication, while others speak of it as a state of all-encompassing happiness that brings tears. There are many who have never experienced this feeling. Such people do not really believe in the existence of sports ecstasy. They say they only get satisfaction from knowing they've crossed the finish line and can now relax.

What is runner's euphoria and how scientists explain this phenomenon

Typically, runner's euphoria is experienced during a long, continuous workout. In this case, the load should be medium or high, and breathing should be rapid. Some people experience this sensation for a few minutes, while for others it lasts for several days. Everything is very individual and unpredictable.

Those who have experienced an unusual state are under its impression for a long time. They feel happy, calm and able to solve any problems. Immediately after exercise, many people experience a rise in pain threshold and a feeling of elation. Some athletes even draw an analogy with orgasm.

What is runner's euphoria and how scientists explain this phenomenon

Ultra-distance runner Yiannis Kouros said that when euphoria set in, he felt his mind being separated from his body, exhausted by the exertion. At the same time, consciousness followed ahead, dragging tired flesh along with it. But it's not just runners who can experience euphoria. In sports such as cross-country skiing, rowing, cycling, aerobics, basketball, rugby or football, you can also feel this incredible boost.

There are several main theories about the nature of runner's euphoria. But the most popular of all is the endorphin one. Pituitary hormones endorphins, which are also called happiness hormones, are considered the cause of the runner's effect by most reputable scientists. They say that endorphins are released after long, continuous efforts when normal breathing is difficult.

What is runner's euphoria and how scientists explain this phenomenon

During training, the content of endorphins in the blood can increase 5 times. This concentration can be maintained for several hours. These hormones cause feelings of euphoria, inexplicable joy and mental and physical well-being. At the same time, the state of hunger, as well as pain, is effectively suppressed.

During experiments, scientists found that during short-term exercise, endorphins are also released. But their quantity is small and cannot cause euphoria. This phenomenon is associated with the body's preparation for prolonged hard work that may follow a short effort. At the same time, the athlete can exert more effort to achieve goals, although they do not experience any special sensations. Runners describe this state as the mind taking control of the body.

What is runner's euphoria and how scientists explain this phenomenon

Physiologists are trying to explain the fact that some people experience runner's euphoria often and stay in this state for a long time, while others are completely unfamiliar with this feeling. Some people use the concept of “endogenous morphinism.” They believe that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. There is also an addiction to sports. Marathon runners are more prone to this condition than other athletes.

Psychologists, in turn, explain the passion for long-distance running precisely by a person’s desire to experience euphoria. This can be compared to drug addiction. It is worth noting, like any other addiction, it is good in moderation. There are cases where athletes brought themselves to extreme exhaustion, trying again and again to experience an amazing uplift and a feeling of happiness.

What is runner's euphoria and how scientists explain this phenomenon

Another popular theory is that the cause of euphoria is the production of another natural chemical reagent in the body. This is an endocannabinoid anandamide, similar to the main active component of marijuana. The body produces it in response to pain and prolonged stress. But this substance differs in action from endorphin. Anandamide production is not accompanied by the cognitive effects of the runner's high. It's more of a painkiller. Therefore, it cannot be associated with euphoria to a significant extent.

By the way, euphoria is not the only phenomenon that can overtake a runner. Sometimes the body reacts to stress in the most unpleasant way.

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