15 Tricks to Control Your Body
Categories: Health and Medicine | Life hacks
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/15-tricks-to-control-your-body1.htmlThe human body is one of the most interesting mechanisms in the world. And, like any mechanism, you can apply your own “hacks” to it to make your life easier.
We've put together 15 incredibly simple and effective ways to help you cope with small everyday problems.
Just scratch your ear - you will stimulate the nerve endings that will cause a spasm, and this will relieve you of the unpleasant sensation. This is the conclusion reached by otolaryngologist Scott Schafer.
The answer is simple and banal: listen more carefully, but with your right ear. The secret is that the right ear is better at recognizing speech, and the left ear is better at recognizing musical tones and notes. This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres.
The feeling from the injection really cannot be called pleasant. However, there is a trick here: try coughing. Studies have shown that people who coughed during intravenous injections felt less pain than those who did not. Coughing causes a sudden, temporary increase in pressure in the chest, inhibiting the spinal cord's job of conducting pain.
Dr. Lisa DeStefano's method: You need to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth several times, and then press on the point between your eyebrows. After about 20 seconds, the congestion will subside. This occurs due to the fact that a special porous bone, the vomer, located in the nasal region, seems to “swing,” gradually opening the passage for inhaled and exhaled air.
This method will help avoid heartburn. Just lie on your left side, says gastroenterologist Anthony A. Starpoli. This will keep your stomach below your esophagus, preventing acid from entering your larynx. And it is highly recommended not to go to bed immediately after eating, but to wait 2-3 hours.
Visit the dentist immediately! But to relieve the pain itself, do this: rub an ice cube on the back of your hand - in the V-shaped membrane between your thumb and index finger. Toothache will be reduced by half. Here's how it works: Stimulating the nerves in this area of the arm causes slight numbness and blocks pain signals from reaching the brain.
You need to take a cotton swab and apply it to your gums behind the small dimple under your nose, and then press firmly on it, advises Peter Desmore. The bleeding will stop because you are blocking the artery by pressing. The principle is the same as when applying a tourniquet. But, if the bleeding does not stop for more than 5-10 minutes, consult a doctor!
To reduce the chance of a blister, apply pressure to the burn site with a clean fingertip from your uninjured hand. This method is recommended by the same Lisa DeStefano. And in order to reduce pain, use the good old method: hand + cold water.
Doctor Ben Ebo advises you to blow on your thumb. Fun fact: The thumb has its own pulse, and by calming it, you can calm your heart rate. When you blow on your finger, it cools it and calms your heartbeat. In addition, the action itself causes you to breathe deeper, which also has a sedative effect.
The feeling is familiar to probably everyone. This happens because the nerves in the roof of the mouth freeze and the brain decides that the entire body has cooled down. In response to this, overheating occurs, and, as a result, a headache occurs. To warm the palate and relieve pain, simply press your tongue against it, trying to cover as much area as possible. This method was shared by Ben Ebo.
All you need to do is shake your head from side to side, says Lisa DeStefano. Numbness occurs due to compression of the nerve fibers. The bundle of nerves responsible for transmitting signals from the hand to the brain passes through the neck, so you can simply stretch it to relieve numbness.
When you wake up in the morning, get out of bed immediately and do not return there until you need to go back to sleep. This will help your body subconsciously associate the bed with sleep, and over time you will be able to fall asleep with just your head touching the pillow.
Professor Candy Gamegratner suggests repeating the text you need to remember several times before going to bed. During sleep, our brain organizes all information and transfers it into long-term memory. In the morning after waking up, most likely, you will know the text by heart.
The feeling is familiar to almost everyone who has run at least once in their life. To avoid it, try to exhale when your right foot steps on the ground. The fact is that the tingling is caused by compression of the liver, and reducing the pressure on it is quite simple.
If you always find yourself short of breath when you dive, try this method suggested by Jonathan Armbruster, MD. Take a few quick, short breaths. This will give you about 10 extra seconds. A slight hyperventilation of the lungs will occur, and the brain will assume that you have enough oxygen. This will help you make a deep dive.
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