
Billy DeVors - a diligent amateur who became a pin-up classic


Billy DeVors - a diligent amateur who became a pin-up classic

We are accustomed to the fact that famous artists are professionals, or at least people who have devoted their entire lives to art. ...

Youth captured in hyper-realistic wood sculptures


Youth captured in hyper-realistic wood sculptures

The tree seems to come to life under the chisel of the Italian sculptor Bruno Walpoth - his sculptures are so realistic that at ...

Absurd Stories in Photographs by Lars Tunbjörk


Absurd Stories in Photographs by Lars Tunbjörk

Incomprehensible, absurd things always attract our attention. This is not surprising, because they hide intriguing mysteries. ...

12 Mind-Boggling 3D Illusions Drawn By Master Artist Stefan Pabst


12 Mind-Boggling 3D Illusions Drawn By Master Artist Stefan Pabst

While some people find it challenging to draw 2D artwork, others master the art of 3D drawings that seem to pop right off the page. ...

The adventurous life story of artist Leonora Carrington, the leading woman of surrealism


The adventurous life story of artist Leonora Carrington, the ...

Among the great surrealist artists, men predominate. Salvador Dali, Max Ernst and René Magritte are most often mentioned. Of the ...

Pinup and cyberpunk master Hajime Sorayama's sexy robots


Pinup and cyberpunk master Hajime Sorayama's sexy robots

If you look at Japan from the point of view of fine art, then this country is immediately associated with ukiyo‑e and manga ...

The classic of photography Vincent Peters and his sensual glamour


The classic of photography Vincent Peters and his sensual glamour

For thirty years, the German photographer Vincent Peters has been among the best fashion photography professionals. He is a master ...

Girls, Summer, Guns: Realistic Paintings on Wood by Andrew Valko


Girls, Summer, Guns: Realistic Paintings on Wood by Andrew Valko

Hyperrealism is a very difficult style of painting. It requires talent and high skill from the artist. Canadian artist Andrew Valko ...

Refined Portraits of Stars by Master Photographer Fabrizio Ferri


Refined Portraits of Stars by Master Photographer Fabrizio Ferri

Italian photographer Fabrizio Ferri is a cult master of the 70s and 80s. He captured many A-list stars for us, including Naomi ...

Unexpected Sides of Animal Life in the Paintings of Alison Friend


Unexpected Sides of Animal Life in the Paintings of Alison Friend

Irish artist Alison Friend has been creating postcards and illustrations for children's books for many years. Alison can depict ...

Nasreddin Dinet: French artist who converted to Islam


Nasreddin Dinet: French artist who converted to Islam

In the 19th century, traditional European art depicted the countries of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia as an exotic world ...

City, Café and People: Franz Hubmann and His Epochal Photographs


City, Café and People: Franz Hubmann and His Epochal Photographs

In Austria, Franz Hubmann is considered the greatest documentary photographer of the 20th century. And this is true, because it is ...

Horrifying paintings of a Polish artist killed by crazed teenagers


Horrifying paintings of a Polish artist killed by crazed ...

One of the most popular Polish artists of the 20th century, Zdzislaw Beksinski, almost never gave titles to his works. This is also ...

'Caravaggio in its purest form': Rare masterpieces showcased in Rome exhibition


'Caravaggio in its purest form': Rare masterpieces showcased ...

In total, the Caravaggio exhibition counts 24 paintings, drawn from private and public collections in Italy, the US, Spain, Ireland ...

Bunny Yeager is the most beautiful photographer in the world


Bunny Yeager is the most beautiful photographer in the world

Model and photographer are too different professions to be successfully combined. But some people did it perfectly. Bunny Yeager ...

Captivating illustrations by comic master Nea Ruffino


Captivating illustrations by comic master Nea Ruffino

American artist Nei Ruffino is a well-known figure in the comic book industry. She works with studios such as DC Comics, Marvel, ...

Unusual photos of New Yorkers from "paparazzi for strangers" Daniel Arnold


Unusual photos of New Yorkers from "paparazzi for ...

Paparazzi are photojournalists who document the lives of A-list celebrities, often without their permission. American photographer ...

Fashion photographer Omar Corea and his hot girls


Fashion photographer Omar Corea and his hot girls

A good fashion photographer is worth his weight in gold. It doesn't matter where he lives and works — in Paris, Milan, New ...

"Visual Diary" by Street Photographer David Gibson


"Visual Diary" by Street Photographer David Gibson

British photographer David Gibson is sure that worthwhile photographs can only be taken on the street and completely spontaneously. ...

Mischievous old men of the Hungarian genre painting virtuoso Vida Gabor


Mischievous old men of the Hungarian genre painting virtuoso ...

In painting, genre compositions attract the most attention. Of course, they show scenes from real life, with all its details. ...

Beach temptations from fashion photographer Cameron Hammond


Beach temptations from fashion photographer Cameron Hammond

Australian photographer Cameron Hammond is one of the most sought-after fashion photographers of our time. Together with his wife ...

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri


Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic ...

The Italian artist Roberto Ferri is considered by many to be a living classic of painting. This master works in the neoclassical ...

Jean-Daniel Laurier: classic fashion photography that I love stars


Jean-Daniel Laurier: classic fashion photography that I love ...

French photographer Jean-Daniel Laurier (Jean-Daniel Lorieux) takes pride of place among such luminaries as fashion photography of ...

It is no coincidence that the Renaissance in the pictures of Thierry Bansronta


It is no coincidence that the Renaissance in the pictures of ...

Those who are at least a little interested in modern photography are well aware of such a phenomenon as the "accidental ...

Conan, Thor, Batman, and other epic heroes in the works of the classic comic Mahmoud Asrar


Conan, Thor, Batman, and other epic heroes in the works of ...

Becoming a classic means to reach a level where your music for studying, using as a reference when they imitate. In life, it is not ...

Sensuality and tenderness in the works of photographer David Bellemere


Sensuality and tenderness in the works of photographer David ...

French photographer David Bellemere is rightfully considered a connoisseur of female beauty and an expert in the field of erotic ...