Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Categories: Exhibition

The Italian artist Roberto Ferri is considered by many to be a living classic of painting. This master works in the neoclassical style, and his beautiful and gloomy works are inspired by the heyday of the Baroque. Caravaggio and other great painters of the neoclassical period had a strong influence on Ferry's work, but this does not mean that there is no place for individuality and even experiments in his works. 

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Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Roberto Ferri was born in 1978 in Taranto, Italy. His formation as an artist took place in his native lands, known for their ancient and rich history. In 1996, Ferri graduated from the local art school Liceo Artistico Lisippo Taranto and soon moved to Rome, where he began to hone his skills, contemplating the works of great Baroque painters.

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

In 2006, the artist received a diploma from the Roman Academy of Arts, being by that time already quite a significant figure in modern classical art. Roberto Ferri is a very popular artist, whose paintings can be seen in galleries, museums and private collections in Rome, Milan, London, Paris, New York, Madrid, Barcelona, Qatar, Boston and Malta. His paintings adorn the interiors of the famous Menerbes Castle in Provence, along with masterpieces from the 16th and 18th centuries.

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Roberto Ferri's paintings are painted in calm colors, which simplifies the perception of difficult, often surreal subjects. Sometimes, during a cursory acquaintance with the works of the master, the viewer does not notice the details that play a key role in the meaning of the image. Sometimes these are creepy, unnatural elements: entrails, physical abnormalities, wounds or frightening artifacts.

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Sometimes it seems that the subjects of Roberto Ferre's paintings are very familiar and close to everyone, but this is only the first impression – the author plays with our imagination and the more we consider what is happening on the canvas, the more we get space for a flight of imagination.

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Dark eroticism in the Baroque style from the modern classic of painting Roberto Ferri

Ferry's paintings may seem gloomy to someone, but compared to these world masterpieces, they are simply the top of the positive.

Keywords: Painting | Exhibition | Artist | Erotica | Classics | Sex | 18+ | Baroque

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