
10 stunning views of the desert from the air


10 stunning views of the desert from the air

Photographer George Shteymets flew a motorized paraglider over deserts all over the world, from China to Africa and Antarctica, and ...

Why it's better not to mess with harsh Chinese flight attendants


Why it's better not to mess with harsh Chinese flight attendants

Those who believe that it is easy to become a flight attendant will quickly be dissuaded after our post. Training sessions for ...

Anna and the King - how a British feminist lived in the harem of a Siamese monarch


Anna and the King - how a British feminist lived in the harem ...

Anna Leonwens is one of the most interesting ladies of the Victorian era. An adventurer, suffragette and traveler, Anna spent her ...

In the village of "Bound Feet" live the last Chinese women suffering from an ancient cruel tradition


In the village of "Bound Feet" live the last Chinese women ...

In the women's village of "Bound Feet" in China, there are more than 100 women who are suffering from the consequences of an ...

The Tree of Life: the secret of a lonely plant in the middle of the Dead Sea


The Tree of Life: the secret of a lonely plant in the middle ...

A lonely tree growing on a salt island in the middle of the Dead Sea surprises tourists. In a place where no living creature ...

Miracle from Asia: 7 interesting facts about the Japanese giant salamander


Miracle from Asia: 7 interesting facts about the Japanese ...

Do you like curiosities? So, you will definitely like this giant amphibian from the Land of the Rising Sun! This is a very strange ...

How meat is forged in China


How meat is forged in China

China is one of the world's centers of forgery of everything and everything. For example, in the Middle Kingdom, expensive beef ...

Where the soul of Kyoto Lives: architectural gems of the Japanese cultural capital


Where the soul of Kyoto Lives: architectural gems of the ...

Kyoto is the cultural capital of Japan. Many tourists come here to admire its majestic temples and magnificent palaces. However, ...

How people live in Hong Kong coffin apartments


How people live in Hong Kong coffin apartments

If you have ever complained that there is not enough space for three people in the kitchen in your apartment, then it is better to ...

The Horrors of Manga Master Junji Ito


The Horrors of Manga Master Junji Ito

If you are a fan of manga, you probably know the works of Junji Ito. This comic book creator has been considered unsurpassed in the ...

Bury Dinghy with my grandmother. The Japanese tradition of burial of Pets shocking


Bury Dinghy with my grandmother. The Japanese tradition of ...

If you say in Japanese, the phrase "buried like a dog", then it is likely you will misunderstand. The fact that the Country of the ...

Scam of the Century: A story about a Tribe that Never Existed


Scam of the Century: A story about a Tribe that Never Existed

In the early 1970s, magazines and television in different countries of the world talked about the unique Tasadai tribe that lives ...

Amazing patterns of Asia in a simple and harmonious photos of RK


Amazing patterns of Asia in a simple and harmonious photos of RK

Beautiful patterns in everyday life if you know where to look. Japanese photographer Resume Kosuge (Ryosuke Kosuge), known under ...

Japanese pin-up postcards with geisha in swimsuits


Japanese pin-up postcards with geisha in swimsuits

Geisha posing in swimsuits on the beach — postcards with such images in Japan at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries were the ...

Exquisite Chinese motifs in the images, the iconic photographer don Hong-OAI


Exquisite Chinese motifs in the images, the iconic ...

Don Hong-OAI (Don Hong-Oai) is a true master of his craft, but fame came to him only at the end of life. Don Hong-OAI became famous ...

The story of the knight Johann Schiltberger, who spent 30 years in captivity


The story of the knight Johann Schiltberger, who spent 30 ...

Being in captivity is an ordeal for any person. The fate of such prisoners in the Middle Ages was especially unbearable. No ...

How Mansudae, the world's largest leader factory, works


How Mansudae, the world's largest leader factory, works

It is very difficult to name products that North Korea would export. And the point is not even that technology is poorly developed ...

Vietnam 1915 in color photos


Vietnam 1915 in color photos

Today, many people have already discovered Vietnam as a new tourist destination, although for most this country remains almost ...

The History of the Expression "China's Last Warning" and Why It's Misused


The History of the Expression "China's Last ...

Everyone knows the expression “China's last warning”. It is usually used when they want to warn someone. It contains a ...

The Subtle East and the fashionable West: an American's photo tour of Iran in 1967


The Subtle East and the fashionable West: an American's photo ...

Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran was completely different from what it is today. Women dressed in Western fashion, freely ...

Emptiness, simplicity and poverty: 16 real photos of apartments of North Koreans


Emptiness, simplicity and poverty: 16 real photos of ...

The media often describe North Korea as a country completely isolated from the outside world and living by its own rules. Some are ...

Retro photos from the colorful Taiwan of the late 1970s


Retro photos from the colorful Taiwan of the late 1970s

Taipei is the capital of the Republic of China and the official capital of Taiwan Province within the PRC. It is the political, ...

What does it feel like to be a samurai's wife? Family traditions of medieval Japan in the XXI century


What does it feel like to be a samurai's wife? Family ...

Japan is a country of centuries-old traditions. Despite the colossal scientific and technological leap, this country is in no hurry ...

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates


Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

The sea is still, you are a woman or a man, if you can hold in their hands an army of 70,000. Chinese Chin si could — she started ...

10 Funny Accidental Images That Were Taken At The Right Time And Place By This Street Photographer


10 Funny Accidental Images That Were Taken At The Right Time ...

Edas Wong is a street photographer known for capturing spontaneous and funny moments in everyday life (mostly in Hong Kong). ...

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China


Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions ...

The traditions of Ancient China are not only graphics, porcelain, poetry and martial arts. They cover all spheres of life of the ...