Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

Categories: Asia

The traditions of Ancient China are not only graphics, porcelain, poetry and martial arts. They cover all spheres of life of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, including sexual life. These customs are no longer relevant, but the Chinese cherish their history and remember the way of life of their ancestors, concerning intimate relationships. Thanks to the scrolls and books of different eras, we can marvel at the looseness and imagination of the ancient Chinese, who have now been transformed by Communist ideology into one of the most puritanical nations on the planet.

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

This tradition was first described by the famous Venetian traveler Marco Polo in the 13th century. One day, while traveling in the Middle Kingdom, he stopped at an inn. The hospitable host offered not only dinner and overnight accommodation, but also his wife, assuring her that she would "fulfill all wishes".

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

The traveler was surprised to see that the Chinese man's wife accepted his offer with great enthusiasm. Later, having repeatedly encountered this custom, Marco Polo realized that in the north of China this is a completely common phenomenon. It is connected with the desire of the locals to "improve the blood" and attract the luck of a stranger to their home.

It should be clarified that in the old days, only the rich and noble people could afford to stay in inns, and everyone else spent their nights in the open air. Therefore, by offering his wife to the traveler, the innkeeper had a good chance to dilute his family with the offspring of a noble man. In the highlands of Tibet, this custom has survived to this day.

In the 10th and 11th centuries, the emperors of the Middle Kingdom maintained huge harems of hundreds of women. Even the wisest and most attentive ruler could easily get lost among his "flower garden" and deprive the attention of quite worthy ladies. To prevent this from happening, a special clerk was assigned to the harem, whose duties included drawing up a schedule of intimate contacts of the emperor.

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

In the full moon, the priority on the bed of the monarch was the main wife-the empress. It was believed that this time is most favorable for the conception of a healthy and intelligent heir. On the second and third days after the full moon, the emperor's favorite concubines had access to the body, and in groups of three.

In all other lunar phases, the emperor received concubines in "wholesale batches" of 10 people. But the most routine event happened at the new moon. Since the Chinese did not much like these nights, but they were reserved for unloved women from the harem, who could be brought to the bedchamber of the sovereign either one or dozens.

In ancient China, a brothel was a completely legal institution, and the owners of such a business were respected people in society. Brothels could be both the most miserable, for commoners, and fashionable, where even a high-ranking official was not ashamed to look. Yes, what are the officials, if the Chinese princesses themselves did not miss the opportunity to spend the night in the "house of debauchery".

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

It is known that the Princess Shang-Yuin from the Song Dynasty, who lived in the 10th century, in one of the expensive brothels had a personal room. In addition, there were thirty young men who were supposed to please only the emperor's daughter. At the same time, historians claim that the employees of this male escort served Shang-Yuin at the same time. In ancient China, male prostitution was as common as female prostitution, and the fact that a princess had her own bed in a brothel was also not nonsense.

In China, since ancient times, the male seed represented the life force-the ching. Therefore, extravagance in relation to this biological substance was not allowed. The man had to do his best to keep his jing inside and feed his body with energy, distributing it to the organs and tissues.

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

Women also released jing, but in smaller amounts, in the form of a lubricant. Cunnilingus, like the female orgasm, was strongly encouraged, as it allowed a man to replenish his energy at the expense of his partner. Representatives of the fair sex were not forbidden to squander their vital energy, since Taoism teaches that the female source of Jing is inexhaustible.

Everyone has probably heard about the Kama Sutra. But few people know that this Indian sex manual was not unique in its kind. In ancient China, it was customary to give the newlyweds for the wedding colorfully decorated instructions on silk fabric, which described different love techniques.

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

Fortunately, a few copies of such textbooks have survived to this day and we can judge how free morals reigned in Chinese society. Modern luminaries of the porn industry would be surprised at the resourcefulness of the ancient Chinese in matters of sex.

Some of the illustrations are poses for group sex involving five or more people! Thanks to such pictures in books for newlyweds, it can be concluded that polygamy in Chinese families was common, and there were special ideas about marital fidelity.

The ancient Chinese can be considered the inventors of such a genre as pornography. Scientists have discovered the world's oldest depictions of a sexual orgy in Xinyang Province. An ancient master, or group of masters, carved a group of men and women having sex on the cave wall with notches.

Brothel princesses, rental wives, and other sexual traditions of Ancient China

Men are depicted with impressive genitals, while women are smaller and more sketchy. In addition to people, bows and arrows are carved on the stone, as well as animals similar to African zebras. An ancient artist painted the genitals of animals, though not as large as men. It is quite possible that the master wanted to show a certain ritual with sexual overtones associated with a successful hunt.

Keywords: China | Asia | Sex | Wife | Brothel | Sex life | Sexual intercourse | 18+

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