The battle for the wooden bucket. Who won the most stupid war in history
Categories: Conflict | Europe | History | Nations | World
By Pictolic 1325 between the Italian cities of Bologna and Modena, there was a battle, which killed thousands of people. The reason for the war was the political confrontation of supporters of the German Emperor and the Pope. The reason for the bloodshed was common wooden bucket.
500 years after the fall of eternal Rome, in the heart of Europe was born a new Holy Roman Empire. It consisted of hundreds of German feudal principalities, Duchies, counties, Bohemia, Burgundy, parts of France and Northern Italy. However, the German, the Italian heirs of the Caesars sought to extend its authority over the whole Christian world.
In 1155 the Emperor was Frederick Barbarossa who wanted to conquer all of Italy, which, although it was fragmented into city-States, were subordinate to the Pope.
On the Apennine Peninsula was split. Supporting the Emperor were called Ghibellines, and those who sided with the Holy see – the Guelphs. It is believed that the first batch was made up of merchants, artisans and part of the aristocracy. The backbone of the second group became feudal nobility, who did not want to obey the Germans.
Medieval Italy was a wealthy region with a large population. City-States shared tens of kilometers, and the short distances contribute to the war. Opponents did not have to carry the baggage, the army was gathered quickly, and trophies were many. In 1296 troops gulfsol of Bologna took from the neighbouring Ghibelline Modena part of the land. Dad supported his supporters, and the war dragged on for several decades.
In 1312 20 thousand florins one of the best generals of Italy Rinaldo Bonacolsi, nicknamed for his short stature Sparrow, bought from the German Emperor management Modena and began to prepare for revenge. In response, the Bolognese burned several neighboring farms, and madenci recaptured their Fort Montebello. However, a full-scale war were to come.
One night of Modena Ghibellines decided to show their prowess. Their detachment penetrated into Bologna, and in the dark had robbed several homes of the rich. Part of the loot the raiders have put them in the bucket, which the Bolognese were getting water from the city well. Everything stolen was private property, and only a bucket belonged to the city. Bologna asked the neighbours to return state-owned property. Modena refused. The parties began to exchange mutual claims.
The dispute around the bucket Guelphs and Ghibellines, considered a worthwhile reason for the war. To the rescue of Bologna arrived the troops of Florence and Romagna. In the combined armies of Pope gathered 32 thousand soldiers, of whom only two thousand were cavalry, and the other poorly armed infantry militias. The command of the troops took Malatestiano Malatesta, nicknamed "one-eyed Seigneur of Rimini".
The numerical superiority was on the side of the Guelphs, but the Ghibellines army consisted of professional soldiers, life rained his foreign blood. At noon on 15 November 1325, enemy troops came together at the castle Zappolino. The battle was begun by the Ghibellines. By order of the Sparrow mercenary infantry hit the center of the army of the Guelphs. There was a close-cutting, in which the lack of experience of the supporters of the Holy see offset number.
When the main forces of the Papists managed to pin down the fight, the commander ordered the German armored cavalry to flank the enemy and hit the flanks of the combat formations of the enemy. After two-hour battle the troops of Bologna began to retreat, turning a stampede. On the battlefield lay thousands of dead two of Guelph.
Street fighting
Pursuing the enemy, the Ghibellines with the move captured six castles and captured three dozen of the noble followers of the Holy see. Won, carried away by the looting of the suburbs of Bologna, and to break into the city failed. However, the production was huge.
Storm defeated enemy supporters of the Emperor did not. Won, limited to a jousting tournament: "in honor of the eternal shame of Bologna", which was held under the city walls. After a year both sides signed a truce. For ransom, the winners gave up the prisoners and captured during the war castles. In addition to money, momentum went to oak bucket, which is now kept in city hall. The war of the Guelphs and Ghibellines, with varying success lasted until 1529.
An echo of war between supporters and opponents of the Pope and became the Florentine football. In this tough game relationship was found out by the people of Florence, the blocks which supported the Ghibellines or Guelphs.
Keywords: Germany | Emperor | Italy | The Pope | The battle
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