
Why don't Jews eat pork? The history of complex relationships


Why don't Jews eat pork? The history of complex relationships

When we hear about Judaism and Jews, among many associations, the rejection of pork certainly pops up in our memory. This is not ...

The Chillingham Ghosts: The Dark Secrets of England's Creepiest Castle


The Chillingham Ghosts: The Dark Secrets of England's ...

As is well known, every self-respecting English castle must have its own ghost. Chillingham Castle in Northumberland County in the ...

26 freaky historical facts from the series " Nichosi!»


26 freaky historical facts from the series " Nichosi!»

There is a misconception that life used to be safer and calmer. Of course, this is just a misconception. Each historical period ...

Princess Katya Desnitskaya of Thailand: The Russian girl for whom Prince Chakrabon gave up polygamy


Princess Katya Desnitskaya of Thailand: The Russian girl for ...

They met at the dawn of the twentieth century, and by all conventional standards should not have been together. But their forbidden ...

The story of nurse Lucia de Berk, nicknamed the "Angel of Death"


The story of nurse Lucia de Berk, nicknamed the "Angel ...

Miscarriages of justice are not uncommon. For those who watch from the sidelines, it is simply a story of justice, whether it has ...

The Jewish cartel "Zvi Migdal" — a cynical pimps in bales


The Jewish cartel "Zvi Migdal" — a cynical pimps in bales

Ethnic organized crime groups have existed in many Nations. As for the Jewish mafia, the chosen people did not miss his chance as ...

23 photos show just how uninhibited the hippies were


23 photos show just how uninhibited the hippies were

The hippie movement began in 1965 in the USA. The word “hippie” itself comes from the colloquial hip, which means “knowing, ...

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots


As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum ...

Modern women are lazy and spoiled. At least this sure most men… Every time my wife tells how very tired, some of them will ...

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex


To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

Let's be honest, there are many people who would not refuse to breathe their last breath in the arms of a lover. Although, of ...

Why are there so many useless buttons on the sleeves of men's jackets?


Why are there so many useless buttons on the sleeves of ...

On the sleeves of men's jackets, several buttons are almost always sewn in a row. They are both on clothes of expensive brands, ...

It's hard to believe, but these 5 people with anomalies really existed!


It's hard to believe, but these 5 people with anomalies ...

From time to time, nature plays a cruel joke on us and "special" people are born. They are often called freaks, but this does not ...

The history of the schooner "Kodor" - the main sailing ship of Soviet cinema


The history of the schooner "Kodor" - the main ...

This beautiful sailing ship is known by different names: “Secret”, “Hispaniola”, “Scorpio”, “Duncan”, ...

From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world


From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — ...

Every woman wants to be beautiful, desirable and, of course, wants to see proof of their attractiveness in the mirror. Hard to ...

The Tamam Shud Case: The Mystery of Australia's Somerton Beach's Unidentified Body


The Tamam Shud Case: The Mystery of Australia's Somerton ...

Every second, two or three people die in the world. Some leave this world surrounded by loved ones or in hospital, some die in ...

Spaniard: the story of the worst epidemic of the 20th century


Spaniard: the story of the worst epidemic of the 20th century

The death of hundreds of millions of people in just 18 months is not a pure apocalypse scenario. The Spanish flu, which awoke at ...

Fun from a century ago: Strange interactive Postcards with finger holes


Fun from a century ago: Strange interactive Postcards with ...

In the first two decades of the XX century, against the background of technological progress, the development of photography, ...

As in Nazi Germany invented the first sex doll — Aryan of Borghild


As in Nazi Germany invented the first sex doll — Aryan of ...

The Nazi occupation of France in 1940 led to multiple sex German soldier with Parisian prostitutes, and as a result, by the ...

Escape from the "Alcatraz": the story of three inmates who escaped from the most secure prison USA


Escape from the "Alcatraz": the story of three inmates who ...

March 21, 1963 was closed to the famous American prison for dangerous criminals Alcatraz, also known as "the Rock". Located on the ...

10 facts about the deceptive "Execution in Saigon"


10 facts about the deceptive "Execution in Saigon"

Photojournalist Eddie Adams captured one of the most famous images of the Vietnam War — the moment of execution amid the chaos ...

Embalming relatives, brewing beer and other reasons for absenteeism in ancient Egypt


Embalming relatives, brewing beer and other reasons for ...

Today, work truants are treated strictly everywhere. The reason why the employee did not come to work must be valid. How was it in ...

How people waited for mobile phones: 18 photos from the past


How people waited for mobile phones: 18 photos from the past

Before Motorola introduced the first portable phone in 1973, ordinary people also thought that the phone should be more convenient, ...

20 Instructive Facts About the Romances and Intrigues of Kings


20 Instructive Facts About the Romances and Intrigues of Kings

Love stories associated with people of royal blood always attract the attention of the public - both in the old days and now. Maybe ...

Atmospheric photos straight from our 90s


Atmospheric photos straight from our 90s

What were the distant 90s like for you? For those who remember them well, have already forgotten them or were born later, we ...

Treatment current up to burning at the stake: the worst ways of dealing with impotence


Treatment current up to burning at the stake: the worst ways ...

In ancient times, long before the beginning of the development of medicine, mankind has unsuccessfully wrestled with the problem ...

How the one-child policy affected the present and future of China


How the one-child policy affected the present and future of China

From 1979 to 2015, the rule in China was “one family, one child.” We can say that it was a social experiment in which an entire ...

Keep your mouth shut: the iron mask used to punish gossip in the Middle Ages


Keep your mouth shut: the iron mask used to punish gossip in ...

The Middle Ages is a period well known for the variety of corporal punishment. The idea of corporal punishment was closely related ...