23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Categories: Design and Architecture | Food and Drinks | Water

A perfect and harmonious transition of colors from one to another, a geometrically correct shape, a completely smooth surface — if all this gives you pleasure, then, most likely, perfectionism speaks in you. However, there is nothing wrong with getting aesthetic pleasure from such things. After all, it's just fucking beautiful.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

What do you feel when you see these blueberry berries arranged in shades?

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Do you want to talk about the feeling of this perfectly round stone?

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

The perfect way to stop eating cakes is to look at this geometric perfection and be afraid to destroy it.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Nature is the most talented sculptor. Just look at this smooth surface.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

The pristine, pristine surface of the new balm.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

A juicy mix of warm and cold colors, opposite in spectrum, is like a balm for the soul.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

The apple looks like something out of a Snow White fairy tale. So perfect and delicious that there must be a catch somewhere.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

The tick is not just for show. This is some kind of checkmark wizard.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

What could be more pleasant when the dishes fit perfectly into one another?

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Incredible perfection.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

A drop of hand balm seemed to come out of the picture.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Anyone who is familiar with this feeling will probably agree that it is damn nice.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Such a beautiful gradient is probably only possible in nature.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

These lava flows seem to be drawn.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Hypnotic red cabbage.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

It's hard to believe that this ripple isn't Photoshop.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

It is not immediately clear how many watermelons were involved in this shot.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Perfect hit.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Oh, if only such an even circle would turn out in the subsequent answers!

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect


23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

It was as if nature had used a pair of compasses.

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

Oh, how nice it must be to sit on a bench in the summer!

23 photos with things that are painfully perfect

The pastry chef's arms are clearly made of shoulders.

Keywords: Water | Colors | Design and architecture | Tableware | Food and drinks | Desserts | Shape | Ideal | Perfectionism | Combination

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