
9 main varieties of Georgian wines


9 main varieties of Georgian wines

We have collected the main varieties of Georgian wines — someone will remember the once beloved, but almost forgotten taste, and ...

Love polygons, and the death of superstition: the primitive reality of a tribe of pygmies


Love polygons, and the death of superstition: the primitive ...

You would think that in today's world there is no place to wild customs? Sorry, you're wrong: the life of the pygmies of the Congo ...

10 islands where there are completely unique languages


10 islands where there are completely unique languages

There are more than 6,000 languages on earth. In most places, there has historically been contact between their carriers. But such ...

From sex with a crocodile before jumping into the ground: the most severe ways of male initiation


From sex with a crocodile before jumping into the ground: the ...

Men will always remain men and all my life someone something to prove. If the modern world can take place with money, success with ...

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig


The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave ...

In the late nineteenth century on the border of the States of West Virginia and Kentucky between the two families of farmers there ...

27 designers from around the world: what it means to be attractive and stylish in their country


27 designers from around the world: what it means to be ...

Standards of beauty are actually different in every country and sometimes region. It depends on the culture, even economic ...

Why do the Eskimos do with their wives "aredirect"?


Why do the Eskimos do with their wives "aredirect"?

Eskimo custom of "aredirect", that is, the exchange of wives at the time, is rooted in antiquity. Scientists believe that it ...

"100 faces in 100 countries": emotional portraits of passengers of Istanbul airport


"100 faces in 100 countries": emotional portraits of ...

Mustafa Kanca – photographer from Istanbul, who works at the airport Ataturk. Istanbul is a place where constantly intersect the ...

Why did Europeans eat Egyptian mummies during the Middle Ages


Why did Europeans eat Egyptian mummies during the Middle Ages

Europeans have not always been enlightened. During the Middle Ages, the Italian, French, and German nobility ate the powdered ...

Are you going to Bulgaria? That's what you can't do in this country!


Are you going to Bulgaria? That's what you can't do in this ...

Bulgarians are very friendly people. You need to do something extraordinary to make them offended or angry. But still, there are ...

How a simple Mexican woman, Nestor Salgado, declared war on drug cartels


How a simple Mexican woman, Nestor Salgado, declared war on ...

Modern Mexico is a battleground between the drug mafia and citizens tired of the lawlessness of bandits. Corruption at all levels ...

Tarahumara Indians: what is the reason for the phenomenon of the best runners on the planet


Tarahumara Indians: what is the reason for the phenomenon of ...

Endurance is one of the most important qualities of any athlete. It is especially important for athletes running long distances. ...

Voronezh village Kostenki: the birthplace of the first Europeans


Voronezh village Kostenki: the birthplace of the first Europeans

40 kilometers from Voronezh on the steep banks of the Don is the village of Kostenki, which scientists consider the ancestral home ...

Why are only four colors used for passport covers in the world?


Why are only four colors used for passport covers in the world?

There are 195 states in the modern world. Moreover, all passports, both domestic and foreign, have covers of only four colors, not ...

Pasqualita — Dead Bride's wedding dresses store


Pasqualita — Dead Bride's wedding dresses store

Behind the glass window of a small wedding fashion store in the Mexican city of Chihuahua stands a tall slender figure dressed in a ...

The Gypsy court — how does it differ from the secular one


The Gypsy court — how does it differ from the secular one

Gypsies came to Europe in the XV century, and from the first years they showed their independence. Back in 1432, the Holy Roman ...

Civil war in Mexico: how ordinary citizens are attacked by drug cartels


Civil war in Mexico: how ordinary citizens are attacked by ...

In 2006 the Mexican government declared war on drug cartels. Criminal clans controlled whole regions of the country and dealt with ...

5 reasons for the longevity of Chinese residents, or Why the Chinese live longer than other peoples of the world


5 reasons for the longevity of Chinese residents, or Why the ...

Many believe that China is leading in terms of population due to the high birth rate. This is not quite true, because life ...

20 American habits that are considered rude in other countries


20 American habits that are considered rude in other countries

Behavior that, in your opinion, seems normal, in different parts of the world may seem rude and even boorish. Every nation has its ...

Sign of death: why Asians fear of the number "4"


Sign of death: why Asians fear of the number "4"

China, Japan and Korea are the main economic and technological leaders of the world. However, this does not prevent the inhabitants ...

Faces of Asia


Faces of Asia

Asia is a crazy variety of colors, culture, religion, flora and fauna. And it seems that photographer Maxim Russian is in love with ...

The city of Orania is an example of white self-organization in the conditions of black racism


The city of Orania is an example of white self-organization ...

Since 1994, there has been a small town called Orania on the territory of South Africa. It is inhabited exclusively by white ...

To tears: dancing on the ruins of Puerto Rico


To tears: dancing on the ruins of Puerto Rico

When will you be away long from home, remain in memory only the best and fondest moments. To see it again after many years can ...

Life with an outstretched hand: how they begged in tsarist Russia


Life with an outstretched hand: how they begged in tsarist Russia

Popular wisdom says that you should not renounce prison and the purse. If everything is obvious in the first case, then you can ...

What was Iraq like before the war and sanctions


What was Iraq like before the war and sanctions

Iraq has been living in a state of almost incessant conflict and under international sanctions since 1980, when the war in ...

Great as obry: who were the Avars, zaprjagaevii Slavic women in the cart instead of the ox


Great as obry: who were the Avars, zaprjagaevii Slavic women ...

In the summer of 558 residents of Constantinople were seen on the streets of horsemen dressed in armor of iron plates. The soldiers ...