
How do weddings of Bulgarian Muslim highlanders take place?
This strange photo shows the wedding of Fatma Ulanova and Jamal Sirakov from the village of Rybnovo. The residents of this ...

12 incredible English traditions that will surprise you
The British have long had a reputation for being selflessly devoted to their national traditions. Moreover, the inhabitants of the ...

Modern cannibalism: 4 places on Earth where people still eat ...
Globalization greedily devours the uniqueness of countries and regions. More and more original beliefs and traditions are becoming ...

Cuba Libre: the secret of the strip clubs, the guerrillas and ...
The Cuban revolution, steaming like a cigar of Fidel Castro, swept the country with a wave in the 1950-ies and radically changed ...

Outlandish tribe
Says photographer and traveler Roman Sukhodeev: Sea Gypsies. All my life they roam the waves between the Philippines, Malaysia and ...

8 unique customs of different cultures
The world is filled with unique and vibrant cultures. Different cultures have very different customs and traditions. Some of these ...

The usual shots from life in Japan, from which a European's ...
The Japanese never cease to amaze the world with their technologies, popular culture and customs. After all, life in this country ...

Pizza, matryoshka and 6 other famous things invented not ...
Quite often it happens that if people use something for a long time, they begin to consider it part of their culture. For example, ...

Sex life of Orthodox Jews: myths and reality
The life of Orthodox Jews surrounded by many myths and speculation. A considerable part of them belongs to the sphere of intimate ...

These Russian surnames are actually Jewish, but no one even ...
Few people know, but some popular supposedly Russian surnames are actually Jewish. And we are not talking about the Abramovichs, ...

Cargo cult, or What are the "airplane worshippers" of Oceania ...
Most religions of the world imply the existence of a higher entity capable of bestowing benefits on people. In many cases, it is ...

How did the custom of making snowmen and snow women appear
It is difficult to find a person in our country who has never made a snowman. But few people will be able to answer the question of ...

30 dishes from different countries of the world that are ...
The Quora website decided to conduct a survey on the topic: "If you had the opportunity to try a dish in every country in the ...

"Morning of the Streltsy execution": as Peter and I staged in ...
In 1881 the artist Vasily Surikov graduated from the painting "Morning of the Streltsy execution". It depicts Tsar Peter I, taking ...

Odessa 30‑ies in the photos by American photographer ...
Whether you want to see Odessa 30 years? If so, this will help us work of American photographer and traveler — Deco Branson ...

"Every nation beautiful!": 23 charming girls of different ...
Girls from our collection could easily compete for the title of "Miss universe". And this despite the fact that they are all ...

How did the superstition about broken mirrors appear and why ...
Although we live in the modern world, where most phenomena can be explained from the point of view of science, superstitions are ...

Without a couple in South Korea: how Koreans treat singles ...
A Korean woman named Hyeon lives in South Korea, but she speaks Russian well and often writes interesting facts about her country ...

Pages of life of ordinary and poor Americans in New York of ...
When you imagine New York, the so-called "Big Apple", bright neon signs pop up in your mind, streets filled with pedestrians, where ...

Why did people prefer shoes with curved noses in the East
Nowadays, the strangest wardrobe details can be explained by fashion trends. But once everything was different, and even the most ...

Stunning skills of the tribal peoples of the world
Thousands of years tribal peoples held in close contact with nature, taught them surprisingly accurate to read the tiny signs: to ...

20 facts about Japan you didn't know yet
There is no doubt that Japan is one of the most amazing countries: local people sleeping on the streets, use electronic make-up and ...

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?
When it comes to the squat, there are often heated debate. There are two camps, one of which are those who believe this provision ...

Birahi — a tribe that does not sleep. And why after talking ...
In the Amazon jungle lives a tribe of Pirogov, the size of which is only 400 people. These people do not sleep, do not know the ...

"Siberia in faces": the indigenous Siberian peoples in the ...
Photographer Alexander khimushin took a backpack and went to travel the world. He visited 84 countries and realized that the most ...

3 reasons why Gypsies do not serve in the Russian army
Gypsies cannot be called a peaceful people. It is well known that they like to quarrel and even like to fight. Sometimes Gypsies ...