Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

Categories: Celebrities | Culture | Fashion | History | Nations | World

Madonna, Johnny Depp, Annie Lorak, Lady Gaga, Olga Buzova, Philip Kirkorov, Leonardo DiCaprio, what unites these stars of domestic and Western show business? All of them and hundreds of other public figures wear a red thread on their wrists. Following the stars, millions of people around the world began to do this. Well, few people know what this decoration means and what its essence is.Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

It is believed that the red thread tied on the left wrist is a strong talisman. Since ancient times it was worn by the Slavs, thereby protecting themselves from the evil eye, negative influence and increasing their luck.

Perhaps our ancestors wore such an amulet, but their descendants do it not as a tribute to tradition, but copying pop stars, cinema, politics. There is a lot of information on the Internet and a recommendation on how to properly knit a "miraculous" thread that will drive away evil people from its owner, protect them from bad emotions and spoilage.

Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

The thread should be tied at seven knots, and this should be done by a close friend, loved one or relative. Such an energy bulletproof vest. The roots of modern fashion for the thread come from Kabbalah, a mystical teaching created on the basis of Judaism.

Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

The "Tree of Life" is a diagram used by Kabbalists to explain the process of creation of the universe and universal existence

Kabbalah appeared in the Middle Ages, and we will not delve into its esoteric meanings. However, it is worth noting that she promises a person initiated into her secrets major achievements in any field. Using the knowledge hidden from everyone, he will be able to control mystical forces that will bring success in business and personal life.

Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

Leonardo DiCaprio at the Golden Globe Film Award Ceremony

One of the symbols of Kabbalah is a red woolen thread tied on the left wrist, which will protect against negative energy and the bad influence of others. In the 2000s, many Hollywood stars became interested in mystical teachings and began to wear an amulet as a symbol of their "enlightenment". However, not every red thread protects a person from the evil eye. Before getting on the hand, she must go through a special ceremony.

The conductor of Kabbalah in Hollywood was Philip Berg, who was born into an orthodox Jewish family, studied to be a rabbi, but became an insurer. In 1972, he declared himself a descendant of Moses and created a school of Kabbalah in New York. Berg died in 2013, but his business lives on. Despite the criticism of Orthodox rabbis, Kabbalah centers are open in 50 countries and bring in 100 million US dollars a year.

Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

Rabbi-Kabbalist Philip Berg

The main source of income is Kabbalistic paraphernalia. For example, a red wool thread can be bought for $ 30. At one time, active "initiates" were singers Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears, actor Ashton Kutcher and at that time his wife Demi Moore, who even taught Kabbalah to children. However, the main signboard of the teaching was the Madonna.

Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

Philip Kirkorov, Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Mikhalkova with a red thread on her wrist

The Old Testament says that Jacob, the progenitor of the 12 Jewish tribes, had two wives. One of them was called Rachel. She died during childbirth and in Christianity, Islam, Judaism began to symbolize motherhood and self-sacrifice for the sake of the child. The Kabbalists went further. For them, the ancestor of the Jews symbolizes the physical world as a whole.

Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

Kabbalists believe that Rachel could not give birth to a child for a long time, and an angel sent by God gave her an amulet – a red thread. After the gift from above, the woman bore Jacob two sons. Nothing is said about the thread in the Old Testament, but Kabbalists made it a symbol of their teaching and a channel of energy protection.

In order for the amulet to gain strength, a special ritual is performed. Rachel's tomb has been preserved in Jerusalem. Kabbalists take a skein of woolen thread and wrap it seven times around the sarcophagus of the ancestress of the Jewish people. Then special Kabbalistic prayers are read, including "Ana be koah..." ("We pray: by force..."). After the end of the ritual, a ball of woolen thread is cut into small pieces. Only such a charm is charged and has power. The thread that didn't visit Rachel's grave is just a woolen cord that can be worn as an ornament.

Red thread on the wrist. Where did it come from and what does it mean

The tomb of Rachel - the ancestor of the Jewish people

From the point of view of Orthodoxy, Kabbalah is a hostile occult teaching. Modern Hasidism and religious Zionism are based on Kabbalah. It has mysticism, astrology, magic, denial of the one Creator God. According to Orthodox priests, Kabbalah allows everything that is forbidden in Christianity, so a person who considers himself a Christian should not tie a red thread on his wrist.

Keywords: Hollywood | Stars | Israel | USA

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