Famous actors before they became bald

Famous actors before they became bald

Categories: Celebrities

Over the years, many men begin to go bald, but if for some it becomes a real problem, others manage to turn a disadvantage into a advantage. For example, Bruce Willis, Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson, Samuel L. Jackson and the rest of the cast are world famous not only because of a good game, but because of his legendary comb-over.

And want to see how they all looked when they were young and hairy? A selection of these photographs we have prepared for you below.

Famous actors before they became bald

Famous actors before they became bald

The most famous "teacher" of Russia used to wear quite long hair and even experimented with different hairstyles. Now the actor is already hard to imagine you with hair!

Famous actors before they became bald

Another popular bald — headed Russian actor Gosha Kutsenko. The photo to the left shows that Gosha was once quite hard, rare blonde hair. Sure with a new "hairstyle" the man feels more comfortable.

Famous actors before they became bald

Since its the first role VIN Diesel appeared on the screen with enviable shiny bald head. But thankfully, the Internet remembers everything! Judging by the photos, once the Diesel was also head of hair.

Famous actors before they became bald

The star of the commercial Old Spice Terry crews can now boast of a perfect bald head. But once he had luxuriant hair, which, incidentally, looked very good.

Famous actors before they became bald

Samuel L. Jackson has managed to appear in over a hundred film, TV and other projects, and almost all of them, he shines a shiny bald head. If the role of the actor and had hair, he used a wig. But once Samuel got along without him because he had a rich Afro-hair. But as often happens in men after 35 years, she gradually began to go bald.

Famous actors before they became bald

Who would have thought that woody looked like the photo on the left. Like many others, the actor suffered hair loss, but personally, we think it's only gone for him.

Famous actors before they became bald

Early in his career "die hard" had a thick head of hair, but over time it became less and less. When in the middle of his head formed a "lake", Bruce Willis decided to get rid of hair, and seem to have done the right thing.

Famous actors before they became bald

In the days of his participation in wrestling Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson wore a lush head of hair. Now the actor is completely bald and I must say that looks much more brutal.

Keywords: Actors | Hair | Hollywood | Bald | Baldness | Show business

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