
Diets of celebrities in a funny photo project


Diets of celebrities in a funny photo project

The list celebrities who go on a diet, replenished every year, but this phenomenon is not new. Diets were idols of the past, like ...

The artist painted how he sees the life of Van Gogh


The artist painted how he sees the life of Van Gogh

Alireza Karimi Moghaddam is an illustrator and cartoonist from Iran, now living in Lisbon. One of Moghaddam's favorite artists is ...

The fate of Dracula's Brides from the 1992 film


The fate of Dracula's Brides from the 1992 film

In 1992, the famous director Francis Ford Coppola presented to the public the horror film "Dracula" (Bram Stoker’s Dracula), ...

Unrealistically realistic drawings


Unrealistically realistic drawings

Heather Rooney, a college student, uses colored pencils to draw stunning portraits that at first glance cannot be distinguished ...

20 Instructive Facts About the Romances and Intrigues of Kings


20 Instructive Facts About the Romances and Intrigues of Kings

Love stories associated with people of royal blood always attract the attention of the public - both in the old days and now. Maybe ...

Literary characters and their real prototypes


Literary characters and their real prototypes

Many book heroes were born not only in the writers' fantasies, but also in real life. Authors are often inspired by familiar ...

Photos of celebrities in a criminal retro style


Photos of celebrities in a criminal retro style

Art director Michael Enriquez (Michael Jason Enriquez) created portraits of Hollywood stars who had a debate with the law, in a ...

More than just good looks: models with higher education


More than just good looks: models with higher education

There is a prejudice among people that girls are divided into smart and beautiful. It would be difficult to find a more offensive ...

What we hide from historians and writers when they say about Mikhail Lomonosov


What we hide from historians and writers when they say about ...

The way we do that of a great man, not to say superfluous. Prominent historical figures have long been "combed" before making the ...

The story of Kaspar Hauser - the man who came out of nowhere


The story of Kaspar Hauser - the man who came out of nowhere

There are many stories of children disappearing without a trace. Much less often, they appear out of nowhere, as happened on May ...

Electrifying sexuality in the work of Playboy photographer Ana Diaz


Electrifying sexuality in the work of Playboy photographer ...

Ana Dias is a world-renowned photographer who has earned a reputation in her industry through her collaboration with Playboy ...

Zhang Shichai is the tallest Chinese man in history


Zhang Shichai is the tallest Chinese man in history

It is generally accepted that the Chinese are not very tall people. This is basically true - the average height of men in the ...

Joseph Pujol is the most famous fart in the world


Joseph Pujol is the most famous fart in the world

Have you noticed that often people who are about to spoil the air, raise their index finger up, saying " Attention, something is ...

More and more: how women's breasts have changed over the past 50 years


More and more: how women's breasts have changed over the past ...

Most modern men imagine the ideal girl as a real buxom seductress. However, some half a century ago, the views of the male ...

How the phrase "A dog is a man's best friend" came about


How the phrase "A dog is a man's best friend" ...

Since childhood, everyone knows the phrase: "A dog is a man's best friend." True, dogs themselves cannot say this ...

Captivating mesh: fashionable stockings at the famous beauties of the 50s and 60s years


Captivating mesh: fashionable stockings at the famous ...

That can decorate a slender female legs better than fishnet stockings? Men are thrilled by a glance at such a temptation. But if ...

Rare photos of Marilyn Monroe in training in 1953


Rare photos of Marilyn Monroe in training in 1953

You can watch endlessly how beautiful girls play sports. In 1953, Hungarian-Romanian photographer Andre de Dienes worked with the ...

Fashion temptation never fades away: hot Babes recreated the iconic poses of the stars of Playboy


Fashion temptation never fades away: hot Babes recreated the ...

Busty beauty with playful Bunny ears have always been key elements seductive cover of Playboy. Classic hot chips not boring the ...

Golden time: what the most famous beauties of the world looked like as a child


Golden time: what the most famous beauties of the world ...

They became symbols of beauty, femininity and seduction, but before the world recognition, each of these supermodels was an ...

"Hungry Ann": The Story of a Woman Who Lived Without Food for 5 Years


"Hungry Ann": The Story of a Woman Who Lived ...

The capabilities of the human body have not been fully studied. Therefore, from time to time, people with unique abilities that ...

Would you recognize the stars in these children's photos?


Would you recognize the stars in these children's photos?

That's what world celebrities were like in their tender childhood years! Look at these pictures — and admit to yourself: would ...

The Jewish wolfhound David Kurland is a real prototype of the Gotsman from the TV series "Liquidation"


The Jewish wolfhound David Kurland is a real prototype of the ...

This man was appreciated by colleagues, loved by ordinary people, respected and feared by criminals. David Mikhailovich Kurland was ...

These celebrities will show you how braces can dramatically change your smile.


These celebrities will show you how braces can dramatically ...

When meeting and communicating with a person, people first of all pay attention to the eyes and smile, and if we can hardly correct ...

The love story of the strongest couples in Hollywood — Kurt Russell and Goldie hawn


The love story of the strongest couples in Hollywood — Kurt ...

Union of actors Kurt Russell and Goldie hawn is often cited as the personification of loyalty, mutual respect and love. Not ...

10 tips for dealing with stress from millionaires


10 tips for dealing with stress from millionaires

The pace of life in the modern world constantly keeps us under stress. Someone practically does not feel this pressure, and for ...

The Legend of Super Mario: Truth and Myths About the Man Who Gave the Iconic Hero His Name


The Legend of Super Mario: Truth and Myths About the Man Who ...

Many fictional characters from films, books and computer games have their origins in real life. Mario, the famous hero of the ...