Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cooking

Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cooking

Categories: Children | Food and Drinks | Healthy lifestyle | Life hacks | North America | World

Cooking is a headache for all housewives. Feeding a family is delicious, healthy and without spending a lot of time, effort and money on it is a difficult task. A young mother of two children has found a way to solve this problem, she cooks 22 different dishes a week, and claims that it is easy and simple. Learn the secrets of how to save on groceries and save nerves, strength and a positive atmosphere in the family from our material.

Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cooking25-year-old Nicole Knight, a mother of two children, manages to cook a lot, varied and delicious, while saving time and money. Every week, the diligent hostess spends a fairly modest amount on cooking 22 different dishes.Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cookingA woman leads an active lifestyle, so she prefers to eat only healthy food. Every Sunday, Nicole plans what she will cook during the week and makes a shopping list. Then she goes to the store for a grand purchase of products.Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cookingTo buy everything you need in the right quantities, a young mother recommends making a list of products in the order in which it will be prepared according to recipes.Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cookingNicole finds recipes for dishes on the Internet or embodies her own culinary ideas. After cooking, she distributes the food into containers and stores it in the refrigerator or freezer. Most dishes can "live" in the refrigerator for about 3-4 days: it all depends on the ingredients that are included in their composition.Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cookingNicole's boyfriend, Adam, enjoys eating what his beloved cooks. For Aspen's two-year-old son, mom cooks separately so that he eats food suitable for his age.Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cookingMrs. Knight likes to cook casseroles, pies, lasagna and spaghetti. These dishes are inexpensive and easy to prepare. To make them more diverse and healthy, you can add more vegetables.The resourceful hostess has everything in motion.Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cooking

She never throws away leftovers, but freezes them — they can come in handy at any time.Female ingenuity helps out in all life situations.Delicious, fast, cheap: a mother of two children reveals the secrets of her home cooking

Cooking delicious, healthy, fast and economical is quite possible. The main thing is to do it with a good mood, love for loved ones and with a sparkle in your eyes.

Keywords: Dishes | Delicious | Healthy food | Making | Mom | Food | Recipes | Secrets | Family | Economy

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