
How the mystery of the girl from the crystal coffin was revealed


How the mystery of the girl from the crystal coffin was revealed

During construction work, sometimes very unusual finds happen that make everyone seriously break their heads. One of these cases, ...

Tippi from Africa-The famous Mowgli girl


Tippi from Africa-The famous Mowgli girl

Tippi Degré is an unusual girl who spent her childhood in Africa surrounded by wild animals that became her best friends. She was ...

The story of Pat Seki - a disenfranchised slave who had his own harem


The story of Pat Seki - a disenfranchised slave who had his ...

The black slave Pata Seca, who lived in 19th century Brazil, was used as a “breeding bull” by his master. According to the most ...

The family made major repairs in the house to get rid of the ghost of the murdered girl


The family made major repairs in the house to get rid of the ...

The ghost of little Judith Barcy has been living in a house in Los Angeles for 32 years. After the girl was killed by a drunken ...

Both old and young: a touching photo project about the connection of the older generation with grandchildren


Both old and young: a touching photo project about the ...

Photographer and educator from the UK Sujata Setia creates real magic. She takes pictures of grandparents and grandchildren - so ...

The Riddle of Kodinhi Village: Why Are Three Times More Twins Born Here Than Elsewhere?


The Riddle of Kodinhi Village: Why Are Three Times More Twins ...

In the Indian state of Kerala, there is a unique place that has puzzled scientists for decades. The village of Kodinhi, also known ...

The history of the world infanticide, or Why people of different eras killed babies


The history of the world infanticide, or Why people of ...

Nowadays, the topic of banning abortions is being massively discussed. At the same time, many recall the old days when termination ...

"Children of the Nation", or Why Mongolian nomads adopted Chinese orphans


"Children of the Nation", or Why Mongolian nomads adopted ...

China's history is rich in upheavals, and the country has been particularly hard hit over the past century. One of the most ...

How Psychiatrist Loretta Bender Treated Children with Electric Shock and Drugs


How Psychiatrist Loretta Bender Treated Children with ...

The history of medicine is full of cases where cruel and sometimes barbaric methods were used to treat and prevent diseases. This ...

Strange covers of Soviet children's books that can break an adult brain


Strange covers of Soviet children's books that can break an ...

How boring we live. Here before there was no Internet, no annual "Avengers", and the people lived cheerfully and even with a ...

Kids are kids: gifs that will definitely make you smile


Kids are kids: gifs that will definitely make you smile

Children — flowers of life and a wonderful source of incredible positive. And thanks to its pranks and innocence of the children, ...

10 Children Who Disappeared Without A Trace And Were Only Found Decades Later


10 Children Who Disappeared Without A Trace And Were Only ...

The disappearance of a child remains among one of the most frightening nightmares a parent can have, but for these families, it ...

Who are "almond moms" and how do they ruin their children's lives?


Who are "almond moms" and how do they ruin their ...

"Eat an almond and wash it down with water" is a phrase that has become a symbol of toxic health care. So-called ...

14 Heart-Touching Winning Photos from the 15th Annual Birth Photography Competition


14 Heart-Touching Winning Photos from the 15th Annual Birth ...

The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers has announced the winners of the 15th Annual Birth Photography ...

What children play in African slums


What children play in African slums

Everything is learned in comparison. Today our children are spoiled by an abundance of toys, thanks for this to commodity abundance ...

The cult of "Saint Slavik", or How a simple schoolboy was almost canonized


The cult of "Saint Slavik", or How a simple schoolboy was ...

To Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov is treated differently. Someone believes that he is a saint and a prophet, and someone is sure that ...

Bloody Mary: The Story Behind America's Creepiest and Most Popular Urban Legend


Bloody Mary: The Story Behind America's Creepiest and ...

In many cultures of the world, mirrors were endowed with magical properties. People used mirrors to tell fortunes, and tried to ...

The story of Lacey Spears, “the worst mother in America,” who killed her son for likes on social networks


The story of Lacey Spears, “the worst mother in America,” ...

There is nothing worse than a child getting sick. Mothers who have the fate of raising a child with serious health problems evoke ...

This is how 2 minutes of silence look like


This is how 2 minutes of silence look like

Everything that children do, they do sincerely and from the heart. Even when they paint your white carpet with blue paint or get ...

30 life-affirming when children have shown incredible kindness


30 life-affirming when children have shown incredible kindness

Where in the world had happened to kindness? Look for it in children! Believe me, children are able to do incredible things, they ...

Leila Denmark — a woman doctor who lived in three centuries and saved the world from whooping cough


Leila Denmark — a woman doctor who lived in three centuries ...

In medical history, many great women, but among them it is possible to identify with confidence Leila Denmark. She saved humanity ...

35 touching proofs that a dog is a child's best friend


35 touching proofs that a dog is a child's best friend

Various studies have repeatedly proven that the presence of dogs at home has a beneficial effect on a small child. Toddlers are ...

Terrible game, or Why in the old days, children played in the funeral


Terrible game, or Why in the old days, children played in the ...

At all times children's games served as a preparation for adult life. Children are losing the familiar patterns of behaviour that ...

For the first time


For the first time

Children are a joy. Especially when they are small. Happy parents trying to capture on camera, don't miss a single happy moment: ...

Why modern teenagers look much older than their age: scientists ' opinion


Why modern teenagers look much older than their age: ...

You've probably noticed that modern 15-year-old boys and girls often look 20 or even 30 years old! And they usually behave ...

7 incredible stories of survival of babies


7 incredible stories of survival of babies

The heroes of this article is to infants, which had a terrible test immediately after birth: shot in the chest and three days ...