11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

Categories: Children | Positive

We lament that today's children are sitting at the computer all the time, we remember ourselves at their age and think how fun and great it was for us then and how good it would be to get it all back. It is unlikely to be returned, but to remind about it is not a question! We all remember everything!

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

The main ingredient should be the Baby milk mixture (no "Samplers" or, God forbid, "Nutrilon"!). To the "Baby" it is supposed to add half a cup of milk with cocoa and sugar dissolved in it to taste and 100 grams of butter. All this needs to be thoroughly kneaded, rolled into balls from the resulting "dough", roll them well in nuts or in waffle crumbs and freeze a little in the refrigerator. That's it! The truffles are ready!

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

Egg yolks are separated from proteins by picking holes in the shell. While the whites are waiting for their turn in the refrigerator, the yolks are thoroughly whipped with one tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. For greater authenticity, we recommend whipping with a whisk (and especially harsh cooks can do with a regular fork). Next, remove the proteins from the refrigerator, add sugar and salt to them and also beat well. It remains to mix the whites with the yolks, and the drink is ready. Alternatively, you can add cocoa or coffee to eggnog, but in our time it was considered pampering.

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

It takes a frying pan, sugar and courage to cook the burnt bread. Pour sugar into a frying pan (quite a bit — one tablespoon or one and a half) and put it on a small fire. When the sugar turns brown and thickens, pour it into a tablespoon and stick a match instead of a stick. I remember that the burnt itself tasted so-so, but the process was fascinating.

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

Getting carbide in our time was not an easy task: it was necessary to apply the talent of a scout and a certain sleight of hand. But then it's simple. A hundred grams (if more, then better) of carbide is poured into a liter bottle, and the whole thing is filled with water. Then the bottle is thoroughly shaken and thrown towards the enemy. Carbide is not the fastest thing in the world, so it is highly likely that the enemy side will have time to catch up with you before the "bomb explodes". However, no one promised that it would be easy.

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

To roll up a bomb from a notebook sheet is a trivial matter. But if you suddenly forgot how — we will remind you. Cut out a square from a leaf, bend it diagonally (first one, then the other), then fold the blank into a "double triangle" and wrap the corners on both sides to the center. We fill the shell with water and happily throw it from the balcony (in fact, you can do with an ordinary paper bag, but it's not so interesting).

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

A delicacy, a sweet tooth or a Candy gnome is called for mercantile purposes — the astral entity that has appeared is obliged to bring sweets with it and leave them to the caller or the caller. The ritual is performed in a small dark room, such as a bathroom. A candy is hung on a string (usually to a tap), the lights are turned off, and all the participants in the action take turns solemnly pronouncing: "Candy gnome, come" (the second option is a thread tied to the legs of a stool). Then you need to wait. As soon as you smell the smell of chocolate, quickly turn on the light: The Gnome is nearby and can strangle you. The Dwarf will disappear from the light, but after it there will be twice as many sweets as there were originally. Go ahead!

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

Without bubbles, plastic jars, glass sticks, small pharmacy cups and, if you are lucky, test tubes with notches, the game of the hospital loses its meaning. In our childhood, doctors and military friends came to our aid — the orange-colored military first aid kit was a miracle how good. Cotton wool and dressing material could always be extracted from my mother, but there was a strain with thermometers and syringes — they had to be borrowed from a home first aid kit.

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

Everyone did them, although for some reason the secrets were considered mostly girly fun. To begin with, the turf was removed and a small hole was dug under it. A bright wrapper or foil was placed on the bottom of the hole (depending on the aesthetic preferences of the turf). And then — an unimaginable scope for imagination. Fresh flowers, leaves, buttons, beads and even pennies were carefully laid out on a foil substrate and covered with a shard of bottle glass on top. The glass could be transparent, green, orange, and sometimes — and it was unrealistically beautiful — blue. Different glass — different effect. Almost like on Instagram.

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

The magical ritual "Panochka died" was one of the most chilling amusements of our childhood. The girl or girl lay down on the floor (it is possible on chairs) and the other participants of the ritual (from three to six) put two fingers under her. Then everyone closed their eyes, and in absolute silence, the presenter said in a terrible voice: "Pannochka died." "We will not bury her! Let the devils bury her! Amen!" the others answered. After that, it was just necessary to support the girl allegedly rising into the air with her hands. Of course, no one took off anywhere, but it was still terribly fun.

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

A live and buzzing toy is a May bug. It's not difficult to catch him, but then it's fun for the whole day. The beetle can be clamped in the palm of your hand and put to your ear — it tickles and buzzes wonderfully. He can be put in a matchbox and fed with bread crumbs, grass blades and pollen, which, of course, he does not eat. And you can also tie a thread to a bug's foot and launch the poor guy into the sky like a kite. The main thing is not to forget to let the bug loose later. By the way, did you know that most of the "May bugs" of our childhood were not May bugs at all, but ordinary bronzes?

11 recipes of the pioneer past that we should tell children about

Jumping on a spring bed

There is nothing more fun than finding a spring bed thrown out by someone from the neighbors in the yard and jumping, jumping, jumping on it until you catch your breath. No modern trampoline can compare with the good old spring bed. You and I know this for sure.

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