Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Categories: Culture | Design and Architecture | Europe

In order to be a true artist, it is not necessary to be able to hold a brush/crayon/computer mouse in his hand. For example, the Dutchman Max Zorn (Max Zorn) operates according to the algorithm: rewind — stuck — cut — remove the excess. And so the layers are created extraordinary paintings on plexiglass, which are then decorated with street lights or bedroom lights.

Sometimes duct tape is the only tape, fit only for sealing boxes. With this statement fundamentally disagree author of extraordinary paintings. His works are reminiscent of scenes from old movies. Most often it is the close-UPS: although they are created in limited colours, the play of light and shading helps to achieve realism. Pictures of unusual fact that max Sarno manages to capture the special atmosphere.

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Picture of tape

Keywords: Culture | Europe | Design and architecture | Artist | Pencil | Shadows | Atmosphere | Duct tape | Lighting | Old movies | The play of light

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