Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

Categories: Celebrities | History

The number of materials with the title "Photos of celebrities that you haven't seen yet" is estimated in dozens (seriously, they just googled and received "approximately 643,000 results"in the output). Today a miracle happened — for the first time we came across a selection of" rarities", which we really have never met in any other collection. We publish pictures and the history of each of them.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

The world first saw this picture in December 2015. Then an exhibition of photographs from the family archive of singer and actor Frank Sinatra opened in London. The pictures were provided by the artist's granddaughter Amanda Erlinger. Sinatra took a photo of his reflection in the medical office. Amanda admitted that when she first saw the picture, she exclaimed: "This is a selfie!"

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

Different sources at different times published contradictory information about the relationship of Stalin (nee Dzhugashvili) with his first wife Ekaterina Svanidze (Kato). There are three documented dates. The first — the wedding of Joseph and Kato took place in the church of St. David on the night of July 15-16, 1906. Kato did not change her surname, and the future revolutionary married under an assumed name — Galiashvili. On the same night, a modest wedding took place, at which there were no more than 10 people.

The second confirmed date is the birthday of their son Yakov, March 18, 1907. The boy was baptized by Kato's mother in 1908. And in the documents, the same year is listed as the year of the birth of Stalin's son. The fact is that Yakov's grandmother specially agreed with the priest who baptized the boy to change the year of birth. All this is so that the orphan grandson has a one-year reprieve from serving in the tsarist army.

The third confirmed date is November 22, 1907, the day when Kato Svanidze died of tuberculosis. The message about Kato's death was published in the newspaper "Tskaro": "With heartfelt sorrow, comrades, friends and relatives are informed about the death of Ekaterina Semenovna Svanidze Dzhugashvili, Joseph — his wife, Semyon and Sephora-his daughter, Alexander, Alexander and Mariko — his sister. The removal of the body to the Kolouban Church on November 25 at 9 o'clock in the morning, Freilinskaya, 3". She was buried in Tbilisi at the Kukiy cemetery.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

"With Eyes Wide Closed" is Kubrick's last film, which was released in 1999, a few months after the director's death. At that time, the spouses Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman agreed to sign open contracts, that is, they pledged to shoot as much as Kubrick needed, no matter how long it lasted. It is generally believed that getting used to the role of estranged spouses has negatively affected their own relationships. Soon after the filming ended, they broke up.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

Eduard Limonov is a writer, journalist and public and political figure.

In 1994, when this picture was taken, Limonov said that the future of Russia "belongs to the union of nationalists and communists." In the same year, he presented his book "Limonov v. Zhirinovsky" as an accusatory letter to Zhirinovsky. Limonov considered the leader of the LDPR to be an inactive and" excessively moderate " politician — this was expressed in a strong rapprochement with the president. 

The picture was taken by photographer Sergey Borisov. 

Sergey Borisov, from an interview for Interview Russia magazine

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

This is one of the rare images published in the early propaganda pamphlet Deutchland Erwache ("Germany is Awakening"). After some time, the Fuhrer stopped liking the pictures, and he forbade publishing everything, including this one. The tyrant was completely disgusted by this "unworthy" photo.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

Daguerreotype is one of the first photographic technologies, the result of which resembles not modern photographs, but a reflection in a mirror. The image consists of an amalgam formed by the interaction of silver and mercury, so the daguerreotype was often called a "mirror with memory".

The violinist was born in 1782 in the family of a small merchant in Genoa. His father desperately tried to teach music to his eldest son Carlo, but he was completely immune to the lessons. Then the parent left his eldest son alone and took up Niccolo. His desire to raise his son to be a musician was so strong that sometimes his father locked his son in the pantry until he learned a particularly difficult etude. Niccolo Paganini's first concert took place at the age of eleven. The concert of the prodigy, who performed his variations of famous works, shocked the audience.

This gloomy-looking man, a gambler and a brawler, was completely transformed by picking up a violin. Even those who thought that his fame as the best violinist in the world was overblown had to accept it when they happened to hear him play.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

On April 15, 1940, the Boston police arrested the composer Igor Stravinsky for arranging (for choir and orchestra) the American national anthem StarSpangled Banner. The anthem was considered a national treasure, and federal law prohibited any manipulation of the original composition. The composer was released on the same day, because influential friends stood up for him.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

The surname of DiCaprio's ancestors is the Smirnovs. His grandmother, Helen Indenbirken, nee Smirnova, emigrated from Russia to Germany. The woman moved to the States in the early 50s. The Russian grandmother often visited Leonardo and even attended the filming of the film "Titanic" in Mexico and the premiere of the film in London.

In numerous interviews, she has repeatedly said how proud she is of her famous grandson and rejoices at his arrival to her, in Germany, where she and her husband decided to settle after 30 years of living in America. Helen died in 2008 at the age of 93.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

Bardo and Picasso met in 1956. Then the already established artist was 74 years old, and the actress was only 21. At that time, she had already managed to appear in 17 films.

In 1956, Brigitte Bardot attended the Cannes Film Festival, which was held on the coast near the villa of Pablo Picasso in Vallauris. Then the young actress came to visit the artist. LIFE magazine sent its correspondent Jerome Briet to Picasso, who photographed Bardot and Picasso together. The story of the acquaintance of a young beautiful Bardot and Picasso, who was known for his novels with women much younger than him, should have been excellent material. 

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

Agnes Gonje Boyadzhiu was born on August 27, 1910 in a Catholic family. Her father, Nicola Boyagiu, was a co-owner of a large construction company and a successful merchant. After the death of her husband, Agnes ' mother sheltered six orphans in the family and raised them together with three native children. Then she worked part-time sewing and embroidery.

Since childhood, Agnes sang in the church choir with her sister Agatha. Gonje spent a lot of time in the Order of the Holy Virgin Mary. In 1929, she reached Calcutta. On May 24, 1937, Agnes took a monastic vow and became the director of the Bengali department at St. Peter's School. Anna's. She took the monastic name Teresa in honor of Saint Teresa of Lisieux — a French nun of the XIX century, who sought to do good, happily doing the most unpleasant work.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

On August 5, 1925, the corpse of a man was found in the 5th room of the Angleterre Hotel, in which the police identified the poet Sergei Yesenin in the presence of witnesses. The suicide version was recognized as official.

On the fortieth day after the poet's death, his mother, Tatyana Fyodorovna Yesenina, dreamed of a son. According to her, he talked to her for two hours. This dream Tatyana Fyodorovna, a simple Russian peasant, tried to express in verse: 

"I'm sorry, Mom-I'm sorry! I'm not happy about what I did." There is a large scar on the head. The wound is tormenting, he died himself.

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

I waited for her for half an hour in the car in the courtyard of the estate. A radiant woman came out of the chambers of Patriarch Pimen with a gift — a golden saucer, a miniature cup and a spoon. Another time I took away an icon of St. Eugenia from here… In May 1981, she received the rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary Vladimir Mikhailovich, Vladyka Kirill, the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, at home on Viktorenko Street, and in June she visited Leningrad and Komarovo at his invitation. In those days, I met the Ambassador of West Germany, Andrias Landrup. In the fall, they were invited to the Star City to meet with astronauts.

From the book by Lev Kolonny " Jun. Secrets of the great Healer"

Not bayan, but DiCaprio's Russian grandmother: photos of famous people who have not yet walked on the Internet, and their history

In the early 20s, Hemingway and his family moved to Paris and wrote his short stories and sketches for the local edition of the Toronto Star (a Canadian newspaper). This gave Ernest the opportunity to choose his own topics for essays and practice his style on them. Hemingway's first works were essays ridiculing American tourists, "golden youth" and life-seekers who poured into post-war Europe for cheap entertainment ("This is what Paris is like", "American Bohemia in Paris", etc.).

Keywords: History | Photography | Celebrities | Actors | B/w | Personality | Artists

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