The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»

Categories: Health and Medicine | History

The legendary ointment "Zvezdochka" appeared in pharmacies of the Soviet Union around the 70s. Literally everyone remembers it, because it was a truly effective (sometimes even irreplaceable) and inexpensive drug. Balsam tried to treat everything in the world-from acute respiratory infections to chronic rheumatism. The most amazing thing was that the medicine actually helped in many cases.

At some point, the ointment disappeared from the shelves. However, its healing properties were so high that Russian pharmacists already helped to return the medicinal balm to the market. Today we will tell you what this legendary substance really is, what it consists of and how it can be used at the present time.

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»


In the original, the ointment was called "Vietnamese Star", and it was produced, respectively, in Vietnamese factories. The specific author of the original composition was scientists of the Vietnamese pharmacological company "Danapha", Danapha Pharmaceutical JSC. The name Cao Sao vàng was translated by American pharmacists as "Golden Star Balm", with this label it appeared on our market. The Soviet people did not "test" the ointment immediately: for some reason it was delivered with instructions in their native language. Even in the first version, the ointment did not contain the healing eucalyptus oil — its addition turned the drug into a real miracle.

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»


The composition of the original ointment includes only those substances that have been used in folk medicine by the Vietnamese themselves for several hundred years. This is, in fact, one of the very few folk medicines that is recognized as useful by pharmacologists around the world. The composition consists exclusively of essential oils of medicinal plants — there was no chemistry here and there is no. The manufacturer lists the components included here in the attached instructions: there are clove, eucalyptus and mint oils, flavored with auxiliary substances from various herbs.

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»


The red jar with the gold star fit perfectly into the Soviet and post-Soviet reality. Perhaps that is why the design was not changed at the present time: the brand in our country is recognized almost as well as any"Coca-Cola".

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»


We still produce as many as four types of "Gold Star". This is a gel, cream, liquid balm and inhalation pencil. They differ only in the convenience of use, the composition is the same everywhere. By and large, only the ointment has taken root — everything else still looks quite exotic for our person.

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»

Application areas

Most often, the ointment is used for colds, runny noses and other similar diseases. "Golden Star" perfectly helps against mosquito bites: the cooling and irritating effect on the skin's receptors is so strong that the body is forced to focus on new sensations.

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»

Methods of application

Apply the ointment only externally. Getting even the smallest particle of "Asterisk" on the mucous membrane can cause extremely unpleasant sensations in the patient and, as a side effect, unhealthy fits of laughter in others. The ointment should be rubbed in certain places: for headaches — whiskey, colds are treated by rubbing in the back, chest and stomach.

The history of the legendary ointment " Asterisk»

Allergies and contraindications

Even such an innocent drug can cause an allergy in the patient. It still includes a large number of medicinal herbs. There are also small contraindications — hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and violation of the integral skin cover.

A panacea for all ills

In our country, they still do not know how to reveal the full potential of the legendary balm. In Vietnam, doctors and specialists of traditional medicine manage to solve even such serious problems as the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and the circulatory system with the help of ointment.

Keywords: Health and medicine | History | USSR

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