Men's beauty standards around the world

Men's beauty standards around the world

Categories: Europe | Society

British Medical Portal I sent designers from all over the world a photo of a man of average appearance and asked them to photoshop the model according to their own preferences and tastes, to give the man such features that he would be considered outwardly attractive by the majority of the inhabitants of their country.

The portal said that, according to its research, 40% of men in the UK feel pressure from television and fashion magazines regarding how the ideal male body should look. And this pressure undoubtedly negatively affects men's self-esteem, how they perceive themselves and others.

The results were very interesting.

Men's beauty standards around the world

Men's beauty standards around the world

This is how the original looked, with which designers from all over the world worked.

Men's beauty standards around the world

Great Britain

Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world

South Africa

Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Men's beauty standards around the world


Keywords: Appearance | Beauty | Men | Standard | Body | Figure

Post News Article

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