14 army suhpaykov from around the world

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Categories: Food and Drinks | Society | World

No battle would have been won on an empty stomach. According to historians, a Roman Legion would eat 120 sheep per day, the crusaders ate beef jerky, and Napoleon's soldiers most of the time starving. But fast forward to the present. Neatly packaged and compact army rations — an easy way to provide the necessary nutrition. Each country has its solution, thanks to one Youtuber by the name of Alduin Hearth tried soldering from different countries, we have the opportunity to see and compare.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Oat muesli with milk; a protein shake; coffee and tea; candies; cereal cranberry granola bar; vegetarian pasta; cake; fruit; oatmeal cookies; pasta from hazelnuts; walnuts.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Pudding with hazelnuts; chickpeas with braised pork; meatballs with rice; muesli; milk; fruit; bread; cranberry grain bar; dark chocolate; crackers.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Hot chocolate; orange juice; coffee with cream; oat flakes with the taste of banana; bread; sliced apples; baked beans; ketchup; peanut butter; strawberry jam.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Cupcake; energy drink with a taste of grapes; crackers; chili; pasta.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Apple juice; split pea stew; meatballs; bacon; crackers; rice with peas and meat; cheese paste; mashed potatoes.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Breakfast: biscuits, chocolate, jelly, coffee. Lunch: tartlets, beef, fruit, cookies, coffee. Dinner: crackers, tuna, soup.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Tree nuts; crackers; chocolate; nougat; sweets; muesli; oatmeal; biscuit; fruit. Tomato soup quick cooking.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Tea, coffee, chicken casserole; candy; chewing gum; honey; evaporated milk; pepper; raisins.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Beverage; chicken soup; hazelnuts; crackers; chocolate; chicken and rice.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Cake; fruit; rice pudding; hot sauce.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Cookies with pepper; crackers; chocolate; pineapple; papaya; pate Turkey; beans and sardines; coffee, orange drink; Tea, soup beef.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Biscuits, tea, jam, rice; corned beef

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Tuna; fruits; beef with peas; vegetable soup quick cooking.

14 army suhpaykov from around the world

Breakfast: iced tea; biscuits; rice with beef. Lunch: pork with potatoes and a drink. Dinner: biscuits; tuna; paté; iced tea.

Keywords: Rations | Soldier | Comparison | Country

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