Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

Categories: History

This year, the first laboratory of Philips, introduced in the Dutch Eindhoven, will be 107 years old. There was invented incandescent lamps, radios, televisions, audio tapes and CDs, which became revolutionary for its time.

We offer you to remember how you looked familiar to us today as household appliances at the dawn of its appearance.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

Your business Philips company started with the production of incandescent lamps, which in the early twentieth century was more of a technical novelty fashion, rather than everyday household appliance. In 1913 began the manufacture of the lamp Halfwatt, it is different from the spiral of tungsten and the use of gas inside the bulb. However, the mass, it did not, and two years later, the company released its more popular a smaller version of the lamp Arga. This name it received due to the use of it inert argon gas, reduces the rate of evaporation of metallic thread.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

In 1933, was released one of the first modern incandescent lamps Bi-Arlita sealed double helix. This allowed to significantly increase the resource of lights. Instead of an inert gas was used pair of sodium, which was glow yellow-orange. Therefore, these lamps are mainly used for street lighting, public places, but not in a residential installation.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

In the future, the improvement of lighting continued, there was already the well-known fluorescent lamps, and the producers were competing in their efficiency, sustainability and so on. And Philips in addition to its development at the end of the XX century pleased that such advertising.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

The first radio Philips appeared in 1927 and appearance dynamics resembled a gramophone. He only worked in the VHF range, and in the course of the tests was able to send an audio message to short waves on record distance from the Netherlands to Indonesia (then Dutch East Indies).

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

A few years later, went on sale in the then popular model of the receiver Chapel, which is due to the design looked very futuristic. However, the Chapel was much closer to modern conceptions of domestic radio, the ancestor of the current audio it is easy to guess.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

Later the company developed other areas — radio for car, portable receivers, the boom box, and even radio, built-in fridge.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

Simultaneously with radio Philips began the development of the first TVs. Initially was based on the Nipkow disk, named after the German inventor, who lived in the XIX-XX centuries. It is a mechanical device allowed as scanning and line by line to reproduce the picture. In 1928, the world saw the first TV Philips, showing the image of the 48 lines on the tiny screen.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

In the early 1960s, the company presented its first colour television. Curiously, he began to be sold abroad, first in North America, where before in Europe launched the color TV.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

In 1963 the company produced the world's first compact audio cassette magnetic tape, which essentially became the standard. The cassette has not changed its appearance for several decades and is familiar to most living people. Along with them came and tape recorders, car radios, voice recorders and other close to the modern audio equipment. Later this technology was used for video recording.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

Another revolution in the recording and storage of information occurred in the early 1980s, when together with Philips, Sony introduced the first CD. First, compared to the then popular gram-plates struck radically smaller size medium. Curiously, then it is enough just to 60 minutes of music, but over time the technology has been changed several times. This innovation has also become a global standard.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

In 1939 he introduced the world's first shaver with rotating head — Philishave. According to one version, they were originally a by-product from the manufacture of incandescent lamps. However, prudent engineers figured out how to use them.

Looked like the usual household appliances at the dawn of its appearance

Starting with the 1950s years, following the consumer boom in the West, the company is actively involved in the competition for the production of household appliances. Irons, refrigerators, washing machines, and grinders appeared in millions of families.

Keywords: History | Invention | Retro | 20th century | Appliances

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