7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

Categories: Nature | Science | World

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7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

In the vast deserts in Namibia, situated strange circles with a diameter of up to 15 meters, the origin of which is vehemently argued environmentalists. Some have argued that they created termites, scrub vegetation on the ground of their nests. They make the soil porous and create a permanent tanks for rainwater 50 cm in depth.

7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

Another explanation lies in the fact that plants thus compete for access to water. Local tribes believe that under the earth there lives a dragon, and his breath comes out in this way. Now, scientists came to the conclusion that both these hypotheses — "thermite" and "water" — may be true.

7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

The shores of lake Natron afraid of their lifelessness and fascinate different colors. The concentration of salt and alkali in the lake is so high that any living creature, accidentally fell into the water, immediately modificeres. The only exception microorganisms, halophilic cyanobacteria. Thanks to them, the water in the lake changes its color from pink to scarlet.

7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

In February and March, the concentration of sodium carbonate in the lake becomes so high that the water is viscous. To swim in the lake is not necessary — however, this will tell you the skeletons of animals and birds scattered along the banks.

Looking at thousands of starlings dancing in the sky, it's hard to believe that we have birds, not bees. It's absolutely fascinating to see, and scientists still can't pinpoint why starlings behave.

According to one theory, it is a defensive reaction to pack looks not with the birds individually, and one great flier, able to easily eat any predator. On the other starlings are subject to strict algorithm, thanks to this flight, they communicate within the flock, and get the maximum amount of information from each individual.

7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

This geological phenomenon on the dry lakebed of Racetrack Playa in Death Valley in the United States. The stones in these places are really moving without the help of living beings themselves, overcoming 2-5 meters per minute and leaving shallow footprints.

Prior to the beginning of the XX century, scientists assumed that all the matter in the supernatural, then said that the guilty of the magnetic field, but just a few years ago in 2014, the researchers came to a final conclusion.For this, the researchers placed a few "decoy ducks", stones 5-15 kg with sensors and cameras at the bottom of the lake. It turned out that they move on thin, a few millimeters, but very large areas of ice.

Taossky noise, which is also called Taossky buzz (Taos hum), ranked first in the ranking of the most incredible natural phenomena. For many years it is heard by residents of Taos in the South-Western United States. Low-frequency noise from the desert.

It resembles the movement of some heavy equipment, although near the place where he is heard, there hasn't been a train track, or the highway. The peculiarity of the rumble in the fact that you hear it only locals, but tourists are very rare. Scientists the source of the hum could not be traced. They just assumed that the reason for its occurrence can be power lines passing near the village.

7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

White lights of unknown origin was first observed in 1981 in the valley near the Norwegian city of Hessdalen. They appeared regularly in 1984 in just one month the scientists recorded the appearance of lights 53 times.

Now the lights can also be seen, though much less frequently. In August 1988, near the valley had automatic monitoring station.

7 of the most bizarre natural phenomena that look like sorcery

This is a very rare natural phenomenon for which there is no single physical explanation. But there are many hypotheses. Some scientists even believe that ball lightning does not exist, and what witnesses say is just hallucinating.

Most agree that the reason for the formation of ball lightning is the exhaust passes through the area with the big difference of electric potentials. This causes the ionization of the gases and their compression.

They say that such lightning as if out of a conductor or down from the clouds. Near it is extremely dangerous, and moves it along the dotted unpredictable path.

Keywords: Natural phenomenon | A remarkable phenomenon

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