In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | World

In recent years, many of us have carefully read food labels, looking for evidence of their benefit or harm. Particularly successful in this primitive analysis of the composition of food, the supporters of a healthy lifestyle. But do not think that the producers of smart and do not take any action to introduce a consumer confusion — their Arsenal is full of shameless gimmicks designed to lull our vigilance.

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

Very common language that becomes a balm for the soul fans of a healthy diet. You may think that drinking yogurt with this flag, once it becomes five years younger and will fill you with vitality for several hours ahead.

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

But the reality is much more prosaic and matter is only the unpasteurized product. Such parameter as "live" and none of the technical regulations, so the regulatory authorities can not in any way affect the desire of the manufacturer to place that word on the packaging of the product.

This kind of bakery products — a real gem for the guardians of the delicate patterns. A lover of bread often justify themselves by saying that this product is useful and diet. But the fact that bakeries are issued for whole grain bread, usually it is not.

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

Real whole wheat bread made from flour of the first grade without impurities. And loaf, sprinkled with sunflower seeds or some cereals, can be anything but whole grain product.

Seeing this pattern, we begin to think that we environmentally friendly products. It should be actually, but you need to know, marketers are not responsible, placing this inscription on absolutely any vegetables.

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

Confident that the product actually safe for health, can provide only the official certificates with seals posted on the website of the manufacturer.

You may assume that the product labeled "diet" safe for your figure — the true state of things is, alas, not change. To understand, not whether food is bad for you ingredients or excess calories, is possible only after evaluating its composition.

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

Carefully read the information on the label, which States the indications and contraindications, as well as the caloric content of the product. That is, instead of a magic word, is the main symptom of diet food. Do not forget to estimate the content of fat, protein and carbohydrates, specified by the manufacturer.

The inscription "farm product" is nothing more than a marketing ploy of the manufacturer. It is hard to imagine that in a modern production of food, oil will be produced from milk obtained cutest grandma in a headscarf from a personal Cows.

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

The modern farm is a huge agricultural holdings, at full speed using all those supplements which proponents a healthy diet struggling to avoid. Want real farm product? Buy products in the markets or in the village from private owners.

Cholesterol, which we are so afraid with TV screens, many of us stopping to fully enjoy the crispy roasted potatoes and lots of other Goodies. Therefore, oil without cholesterol is perceived as a real find and a real chance to taste the coveted food without risk to vessels and the heart.

In search of healthy food: 6 misleading labels

I hasten to please you — in vegetable oil, cholesterol can not be so marked "no cholesterol" on the bottle of sunflower or corn oil is foolish. Yes, cholesterol should not be afraid, because the human body is without it can not function. Just all you need to know the sense of proportion.

On what really should pay attention to when buying products with is the presence of palm oil, about the danger which officially warns the Ministry of health.

Keywords: Diet | Healthy eating | Products | Manufacturer | Farmers | Bread | Cholesterol

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