How to eat pasta and not get fat? 5 main rules of Italian girls

Italian cuisine is, without exaggeration, is known all over the world! This delicious pizza, and crispy ciabatta, and spaghetti with a variety of additives, and mouth-watering tiramisu. Residents of Italy happy to eat them almost every day, but miraculously continue to stay slim and fit.

How do they do it? The secrets of her beauty has kindly shared some Italian girls and we want to tell you.

How to eat pasta and not get fat? 5 main rules of Italian girls

All the Italians living in the style of Dolce vita. It is the art of a beautiful life, the ability to be in the moment and enjoy it. And this applies to absolutely everything, including food. You'll never see an Italian who snacks on-the-go course-dog, French fries and quickly drinks it all to coffee.

How to eat pasta and not get fat? 5 main rules of Italian girls

No! All the meals are they quiet and quiet, and yet at one and the same time. Breakfast locals, as a rule, easily can do coffee and biscuits. Have lunch in the afternoon and usually also something easy, it can be salad and meat appetizer. Dinner for about 8-9 o'clock in the evening, when, finally, the heat subsides and the Italians can enjoy plenty of food.

This established mode helps to improve digestion and rapid metabolism.

Almost no one meal Italian't complete without fresh fruits, vegetables or herbs. And the best part is that these products are environmentally friendly and often grown in the same region where they buy and prepare.

How to eat pasta and not get fat? 5 main rules of Italian girls

Such products are especially beneficial for health and figure, after all, before use, they don't even need to be subjected to any treatment.

In contrast to most countries, fast food, the Italians invented it, the alternative is slow food. No, it's not certain dishes, and, one might say, a whole style of food. As we have said, they eat slowly, quietly and enjoy every bite. But also Italians carefully approach the selection of products in their baskets usually are only those goods, which is a special sign of quality.

How to eat pasta and not get fat? 5 main rules of Italian girls

Local residents appreciate the tradition and try to save them, so still even in the smallest cities in Italy you can see a cozy trattoria, which are different from classic restaurants to your "home", "family" kitchen.

As the Italians love pasta and eat it almost daily, to its quality and taste they have special requirements. First, for cooking you will have to use pasta from durum wheat — they contain a lot of vegetable protein and almost no fat.

How to eat pasta and not get fat? 5 main rules of Italian girls

Second, the pasta should not be overcooked and the "sticking together", all the Italians prefer the state of "al dente". There is a perception that products with such a degree of willingness to have a lower glycemic index. And, of course, so delicious, and you already knew that these people appreciate the taste!

Italy — a kind of Paradise for the real sweet tooth! Panna cotta, tiramisu, Semifreddo, Gelato... All these desserts with elegant titles and no less exquisite taste are available here at every step!

How to eat pasta and not get fat? 5 main rules of Italian girls

But as Italians used to complete almost every meal "something delicious", they prefer a more diet desserts such as fruit salad or sorbitan.

Keywords: Italy | The Italians | Completeness | Secrets | Tips | Slim | Body | Figure

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