From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world

From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world

Categories: Celebrities | Europe | History | North America | Society | World

Every woman wants to be beautiful, desirable and, of course, wants to see proof of their attractiveness in the mirror. Hard to imagine that somewhere there is a lady, dreaming to become famous for ugliness and earn money in the freak show. But life is not always fair and sometimes you have no choice but to accept and try to extract the maximum advantage, as did Mary Ann Bevan — the ugliest woman in the world.

From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world Mary Ann Webster was born in 1874 in one of the poorest areas of London. Her family had many children — besides Mary in the house were the parents of seven children. That though as-that to help the parents to feed so many mouths, girl long before the majority started to work as a nurse in a London hospital.

Over time, Webster has grown into a very beautiful girl, which was simple and pleasant plans for the future — she wanted to meet a loved one, get married, have children and become a homemaker. All this was given to Mary's fate is not immediately. Only in 1903, at the age of 29, she met the florist-decorator Thomas Bevan, whom she married, taking her husband's name.

The couple had four children — two sons and two daughters. The family though not rich, but together, and Mary felt almost happy. Saddened the life of Mary Ann Bevan, the state of her health. Almost immediately after marriage, the wife began to suffer migraine attacks. After a while these symptoms added pain in muscles and joints.

Mary had to be carefully investigated, but the Bevan family had no money for a good doctor, and even fewer mothers have time to engage in their health. The woman got worse every day and the worst thing is that the disease began to affect the appearance of the pretty Mary.

From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world

Her facial features are enlarged and stretched, the lower jaw was massive, rose nose and ears. After that deformed skull and changes began to occur with the whole body. Significantly increased foot and hands, wider shoulders.

Very soon Mary had ceased to be like a woman, and resembled a large and very ugly man, dressed in a lady's dress. I must say that the woman was very lucky with my husband. Despite the terrible metamorphosis, the husband did not think to throw the mother of his children. Thomas loved Mary, took care of her and strongly supported.

From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world

This disease is not treated today, but the advances in modern medicine allow to stop the process of bone growth and to achieve a sustained remission. Of course, in the beginning of the last century of anything like that and not heard, so Mary could only come to terms with his unenviable fate.

The disease progressed and soon poor Mary began to stare at the street onlookers and point the finger at the children. The neighbors down the street came up with the woman's various nicknames and whistled after her, so every exit from the house has become unfortunate in real torture.

To prevent children from starving, Bevan undertook all sorts of work, but the money is still sorely lacking. One day Mary learned that in London there is a contest for the ugliest woman. Though it may be humiliating, but the woman went for it, after all, the main prize was a considerable sum. Mary went to the contest and won it.

From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world

Dubious victory went in favor of the family budget. In addition to the prize Mary had additional earnings from performances in various shows where she paid the fee. The popularity of women-a monster fueled by journalists who after the victory in the contest was not ashamed to describe the ugliness of Mary in the press, making her way ads.

By 1920 Mary Ann Bevan became a real star in his native UK and the fame of her ugliness to fly over the ocean. The woman received an invitation from Sam Gambetta, owner of the amusement Park Dreamland on Coney island and accepted him, he moved with his children to America. Garrett was a clever businessman, who specialised in people with disabilities around the world. His freak show was very popular and always had full houses and considerable cash.

From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world

Workers show Gambetta

Before Bevan in the show Gambetta was not too difficult. The woman had just to go on stage as a live exhibit and give viewers the opportunity to consider yourself under comments and jokes of the entertainer. To emphasize the ugliness and mujaadalah Mary, her awkward dressed in funny outfits.

Colleagues women on stage were other members of the freak show with physical anomalies — a bearded woman, dwarfs, Siamese twins and giants. It is hard to imagine that he felt the actress of circus freaks, until relatively recently, was a beautiful woman, beloved husband. But that awful job gave the opportunity for Bevan to bring up four children and to make sure that they in no way needed.Preserved family photos most ugly women on which she was captured with his sons and daughters. All the children look well groomed and fed, and their clothes claim to elegance. Herself Mary in the photo also tried to look the best on her white blouse, and hair collected in a neat hairstyle.

From beauty in the beast: a history of Mary Ann Webster — the most ugly women in the world

The enables to conclude that Mary Ann Bevan was a good, caring mother, who in spite of everything trying to give their children the best. The woman worked all her life in the American circus and only once visited Europe. Show Gambetta performed in Paris at the world exhibition and Mary went on a tour together with the whole team.

It is known that woman for the rest of his days pining for his native London, and bequeathed to the children to bury her in their native land. Mary Bevan died from complications of acromegaly, in 1933, at the age of 59 years. For a person with her diagnosis it was an impressive age, as these patients died at the time much earlier.

Today the story is of Mary Ann Bevan makes everyone who hears it not only pity for the unfortunate sick woman. Many admire the self-sacrifice of a man who in spite of health problems, humiliation and despair did everything to give their children a better life.

Keywords: Acromegaly | Poverty | Disease | Hospital | Beauty | Ridicule | Family | Beauty and circus

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