But women's heels has nothing to do with who is actually in Russia called henpecked
Categories: Animals | Culture | Europe | History | Nations
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/but-womens-heels-has-nothing-to-do-with-who-is-actually-in-russia-called-henpecked.htmlIn the past, the word pussy had a completely different meaning. It is not meant a man who's mistreating his wife, and belonged to the professional terminology trainers hunting trowel. Over time the word lost its original meaning, but in historical irony also refers to the captivity.
In Russia hunting with falcons was very popular from the time of Prince prophetic Oleg, which was organized in Kiev, the first Falcon yard. In princely and Imperial times falconry was a favorite pastime of the upper class. Especially prized Gyrfalcons, which are bigger and stronger than the rest of the birds from the Falcon family. They live in the Northern regions of Russia – on the White sea, the Arctic regions of Siberia and the Kola Peninsula.
Biggest fan of hunting was Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. When his beloved Falcon named "Siraj" crashed during a missed-approach extraction, the monarch is in memory of him commanded to call the area a bird's name. Now it's Big and Small Shiryaevskaya the streets of Moscow. Modern Moscow Sokolniki district is so named because in the past it was hunting.
Gyrfalcons and peregrine falcons in captivity do not breed, therefore they were taken from nests and from an early age were taught hunting techniques. Engaged in the supply of birds, specially created class of serfs, who were called "the hawk's pamatkami". In the past, the word "push" meant – training and content in captivity.
These people were forbidden to own plots of land, and they lived solely by fishing falcons along the course of the Dvina river, in Siberia and on the Kola Peninsula. Every year they were supposed to take 100 birds. This was done so that they could earn and sell bird hunters to foreign merchants.
When Sokolov was taken to Moscow, they were placed in special towers creati, where he began training. First free bird, accustomed to obedience. Falcon was put on the head of a special cap-the hood covering the eyes. Being in complete darkness, the Falcon was used to the human hand and stopped being afraid of touching the hunter. "Podkabluchnika" called the bird, accustomed to submission.
Later, the word "hood" out of everyday speech. Forgotten and hunting with falcons. But the term "podkabluchnik" remained, but merged with the consonant "heel". Its original sense also was in the past, but people remember that he is associated with subordination and loss of liberty.
Centuries later, henpecked husbands, began to call men without their own opinions and are totally dependent on their wives. They like hunting birds sitting on the arm of their women and act only when the "wife-hunter" decides to remove his head with a cap.
Keywords: Women | Moscow | Men | Hunting | Falcons
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