10 sweets that won't blow you away

Summer came suddenly for many. The most sluggish rushed to the gyms and went on diets quite recently (as in the poem, where Natasha shakes her abs and loses weight, because it takes an hour to go to the sea). In our personal lists of prohibited substances, we now have both flour and fried, and in general almost everything edible. The sweet is there too. But don't worry, we know how to circumvent the restrictions in sweets and not harm the figure (and in some cases even help).

I bet you haven't even thought about some goodies in the context of healthy lifestyle. But in vain.

10 sweets that won't blow you away
10 sweets that won't blow you away

Fruit chips

10 sweets that won't blow you away
10 sweets that won't blow you away
Let's start with the simplest. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to dried fruits in compotes, but for some reason our mothers forgot to tell us about chips. Meanwhile, fruit chips are one of the most common and healthy sweets that are unable to inflict a "fat blow" on the body.

Ideally, such chips are best made from bananas or red apples, but oranges and even pears are also suitable (just not loose). We cut the fruit into thin plates, put it in the oven, choosing a lower temperature. There is no need to hurry — the slower the fruits will languish, the more thoroughly moisture will evaporate from them and the more useful trace elements will remain in your chips.


10 sweets that won't blow you away
10 sweets that won't blow you away
Provided that this delicacy consists of natural ingredients (for example, berry puree), it can be very useful. Pectin and agar-agar (which, by the way, fights toxins in the body) in the composition of marmalade help to cleanse the intestines and prevent stomach diseases. And natural marmalade normalizes metabolism. But only if you don't overdo it.

10 sweets that won't blow you away
This oriental sweetness can be peanut, sesame or sunflower. Whatever it is, experts advise cooking it at home in order to reliably know the composition. Here, as in the case of marmalade, you need to rely on the naturalness of the products. Halva producers often sin by adding molasses or even sugar, although the "right" halva is the one based on honey.

Natural halva is useful for lovers of healthy lifestyle, as it is rich in valuable minerals, organic acids and - most importantly - proteins. The most important thing is before the morning workout, but in the evening it is better not to touch the halva. By the way, regular consumption of natural halva improves blood circulation, which means both the complexion and skin condition.

Bakery products

10 sweets that won't blow you away
It's hard to believe, but yes - baking, especially homemade, is absolutely not harmful for the figure (again, the question of composition). Instead of margarine, which contains trans fats that are dangerous to health, we take butter (you can have butter, but vegetable is better). We change the usual sugar to cane sugar, but ideally - to fructose or molasses (syrup, a "side effect" from sugar production, sold in stores).

Flour should be taken coarsely ground (this will provide you with fiber) and mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with wheat flour. Give up baking powder and dyes, they are evil for your press. Instead, add berries or fruits to the pastries. You should cook such sweets in the evening, eat in the morning.


10 sweets that won't blow you away
It's about bitter dark chocolate. By no means about dairy. If bitter chocolate consists of at least 60-70% cocoa beans, it is definitely useful for the body. Such sweetness (in moderation) can normalize blood pressure, improve digestion, and in women also ease the course of PMS. It is also known that bitter chocolate reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes.

Important: we are talking about dark chocolate without nuts here. Nuts are a separate topic, they are high in calories and most of them increase blood pressure. Be careful.

10 sweets that won't blow you away
It is unlikely that these airy sweet buns are somehow associated with a healthy lifestyle, and even more so with benefits for a losing figure. However, hello: it turns out that fresh marshmallows are rich in phosphorus, iron and pectin (which removes heavy metals from the body). So, the benefits for the vessels are obvious, and the conscience will definitely forgive you a piece of marshmallow, and the body will understand. Just do not eat marshmallows in chocolate after evening runs and carefully read the composition on the packages — there should be no emulsifiers and other "yeshek".


10 sweets that won't blow you away
This sweetness will be an alternative to eggs, which not everyone wants to eat every morning. The meringue contains sugar and protein, but the calorie content of the meringue is very low. So stock up on airy crunchy sweets (only a chunk without vigorous dyes) and chew on the way to work.


10 sweets that won't blow you away
Like marmalade, jelly is better to cook at home — so you can make it as useful as possible by mixing more berries or fruit juice. Store-bought jelly is most often supplied with various emulsifiers and does not benefit the body at all. The indisputable advantage of natural jelly is its calming effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. And you can't eat a lot of jelly, again a plus.

10 sweets that won't blow you away
It can rightfully be considered one of the most useful delicacies. However, if it is not a high-calorie ice cream with a bunch of syrups-fillers. There is nothing complicated in self-preparation of ice cream from natural ingredients — so sweet fruit ice will help you, losing weight. You should be careful with store-bought fruit ice — it is not as useful as it may seem, read the composition carefully.


10 sweets that won't blow you away
Well, where are we without them - in the summer and on a diet. There are an incredible number of smoothie recipes in the world, and almost all of them are useful, since the very mission of this snack is in the energy value and naturalness of the products. Cold smoothies won't let you melt in the heat, and berry smoothies with a drop of honey will become your favorite sweets even after you quit the diet.

Keywords: Diet | Ice cream | Sweets | Fruits | Chocolate

