
What does your household dust look like under a microscope


What does your household dust look like under a microscope

Let's find answers together to the most important questions of our time that torment citizens. For example, we simply have to find ...

Shave immediately! According to scientific research, there are more microbes in a man's beard than in the hair of dogs


Shave immediately! According to scientific research, there ...

Bearded men are carriers of more germs than dogs. This conclusion was reached by Swiss scientists after a comparative study of ...

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold


"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs ...

Hobby, fascinating to modern people, is incredibly diverse. Few people today collects stamps or glues model airplanes — give ...

Food photography through a microscope


Food photography through a microscope

Karen Alpert from San Francisco specializes in photographing food and ready meals. But a year and a half ago, she decided to ...

Microcosm of Baikal


Microcosm of Baikal

In this issue you will find a large selection of macro photographs of Rostislav Mashin, taken during several trips to Lake Baikal ...

10 parasites to watch out for in summer


10 parasites to watch out for in summer

When vacationing outside the city, in the wild or at overseas resorts, we fear many things, from sharks and bears to civil unrest, ...

32 micrographs that will change your idea of the world


32 micrographs that will change your idea of the world

Do you want to look at everyday things from a different angle? Then arm yourself with a microscope and plunge into the amazing ...

18 amazing photos of products under the microscope


18 amazing photos of products under the microscope

Our selection will help you evaluate the difference between instant coffee and coffee beans with your own eyes and get to know ...

Christopher Bofoli's photo project "Disproportionality"


Christopher Bofoli's photo project "Disproportionality"

A resident of Seattle, Christopher Boffoli, with the help of food and tiny figures, creates comical miniatures depicting scenes ...

The life of insects: amazing macro photography by Alexander Mette


The life of insects: amazing macro photography by Alexander Mette

These beautiful photos of insects covered with dew drops made by a professional macrophotography Matt Alexander (Alexander Mett) ...

Only the most intelligent and quick-witted will understand what is depicted in these photos


Only the most intelligent and quick-witted will understand ...

The world around us is so amazing and versatile that even after tens of thousands of years man will hardly be able to unravel all ...

Drop by drop: macrophoto of Ivelina Blagoeva


Drop by drop: macrophoto of Ivelina Blagoeva

In her series of macro photographs, Bulgarian photographer Ivelina Blagoeva takes water drops — through the lens, the droplets ...

17 simple things that are much more interesting inside than outside


17 simple things that are much more interesting inside than ...

Have you ever wondered what kind of structure is inside the escalator? Or how does the soda machine work? Or maybe you're wondering ...

Photos taken with an electron microscope


Photos taken with an electron microscope

Electron microscopes promote the development of nanotechnology, allowing scientists to look at things with a magnification that a ...

Incredible world under the microscope: 22 photos that will make you see everything in a new way


Incredible world under the microscope: 22 photos that will ...

Welcome to the amazing microcosm. Using a microscope allows us to look at familiar things from a completely new angle. When objects ...

BevShots: Abstraction in a glass


BevShots: Abstraction in a glass

Bevshots company together with Florida State University created a joint project in which a variety of alcoholic beverages and ...

This Artist Is Reinterpreting Past Tales Where Women Reclaim Their Power Through These 12 Staged Miniatures


This Artist Is Reinterpreting Past Tales Where Women Reclaim ...

"Patriarchy has controlled the narrative for 10,000 years. My staged miniature photography series, RECLAIMING THE MUSE, reframes ...

Magnificent close-up of Shikhei Go


Magnificent close-up of Shikhei Go

A young and very talented photographer, Shikhei Goh is so passionate about macro photography that he even jokingly calls himself a ...

Sand under the microscope


Sand under the microscope

Professor Gary Greenberg from London has been researching and macro photography sand from around the world. “Walking along the ...

Insect portraits


Insect portraits

They look like aliens from other worlds, and therefore many are frightened by their appearance alone, but at the same time they are ...

18 amazing food photos under the microscope


18 amazing food photos under the microscope

On July 24, 1938, instant coffee was invented. Many believe that it is in no way inferior to natural coffee. Our selection will ...

lovely insects


lovely insects

The American Bee Survey and Monitoring Program is a project run by biologists from the US Geological Society in Maryland. As part ...

Arthropods - nowhere closer


Arthropods - nowhere closer

Arthropods are invertebrates with an external skeleton, a divided body and jointed limbs. These include all insects, arachnids and ...

The magic of macro photography by Magdalena Vasicek


The magic of macro photography by Magdalena Vasicek

In this issue you will see the fabulous work of the Polish amateur macro photographer Magdalena Wasiczek (Magdalena Wasiczek). Her ...

Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition 2013


Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition 2013

Nikon has announced the winners of its 2013 Small World Photo Contest. This photo contest started back in 1974, and every year ...

The bewitching beauty of the best scientific personnel of the year


The bewitching beauty of the best scientific personnel of the ...

The Wellcome Image Awards are dedicated to the best scientific photographs and their processing techniques. Other finalists include ...