Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Categories: Asia | Celebrities | Positive

Obviously, North Korean officials are not familiar with such a beautiful thing in their own way as photoshop battles. From this they are very far away. But if they knew a little more about it, they probably would not have published on the Internet a raw photo of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Because it could only lead to one. Are you already interested? The most infernal photoshops are just below.

(Total 12 photos)


Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop


Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

It all started quite simply.

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

And then the heat came on.

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop


Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Kim Jo Konda.

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

The little Korean engine of death.

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Sponge Kim!

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Cheerful Kim Jong-un became the hero of photoshop

Kim Chen Bushemi.

Keywords: Photoshop | Kim Jong-un | North Korea | Laughter | Phototoads | Humor

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