5 little-known unpleasant facts about Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin's wife

5 little-known unpleasant facts about Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin's wife

Categories: Celebrities | Culture | History | World

The life of Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova was held in the shadow of the spouse of Alexander, therefore, about the wife of Pushkin to the masses is known very little. But, it turns out, this woman's life full of interesting moments, not always positive.

Discover 5 facts about the life of the beloved poet, which she would gladly have hidden from everyone.

5 little-known unpleasant facts about Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin's wife

The father of Natalia Goncharova, Nikolai Afanasevich, was suffering from a mental disease which made life of his family unbearable. Officially, it was thought that the disease is caused by a fall from his horse, which occurred in 1810, but as contemporaries and the wife claimed it was the fault of men addicted to alcohol.

5 little-known unpleasant facts about Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin's wife

Nikolay Afanasievich Goncharov — father of Natalya

When it was worsening, Nikolay Afanasievich was rushing around the house with a knife, threatening his wife and children. At such moments, Natalia, took three daughters and leaving the estate to her husband's father, Athanasius Goncharova. Grandpa doted on their granddaughters, and especially Natalia. He refused darling, buying her expensive dresses and jewels, so Goncharov grew up quite spoiled as a child.

Natalia Goncharova presented her husband with four children, but five babies she lost. It happened only because of Natalia, who did not want to give up amusement. Being on a serious deadline, the wife of the poet did not miss a single ball, not making himself anything.

5 little-known unpleasant facts about Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin's wife

On one of the social events Goncharova danced so wildly that she had severe bleeding and had a miscarriage. We can say that the fifth child has become a victim of carelessness of his own mother.

Everyone knows that Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a great lover of women, and often cheated on his wife. Goncharova was perfectly aware of that, and the poet himself is not too hide their not-too-serious nature. One of the balls Pushkin so enthusiastic about foreign ladies, which caused Natalia Nikolaevna rage.

5 little-known unpleasant facts about Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin's wife

The woman stopped dancing and withdrew to the back of the room, away from the divergent spouse. When Pushkin came to her that caused her to stop dancing Goncharova slapped him a hefty slap. Russian poet had a mild nature, and moved everything into a joke. Present at the unpleasant explaining to friends he laughingly told me that finally learned how the wife of a heavy hand.

Natalia was considered beautiful, but she had a slight drawback of appearance — slightly cross-eyed. Pushkin, who teased all around, did not miss the opportunity sometimes to make a joke about his wife. Alexander could call his wife "My oblique Madonna," which first brought her in rage, but then she used to.

5 little-known unpleasant facts about Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin's wife

Eventually, the woman resigned with a sharp tongue of her brilliant husband and ceased to respond urgently to his not evil, but kind of hurtful stuff.

Pushkin was not too faithful husband, but the wife seems to pay him the same coin. On one of the court balls, still quite young beauty was noticed by the Emperor Nicholas I. the Monarch began to give a girl signs of attention, which she willingly accepted.

5 little-known unpleasant facts about Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin's wife

Nicholas I

Goncharov spent a lot of time in the company of the Emperor, which caused a lot of trouble for her husband rumors. Apparently, they were far from groundless, at least this is the opinion of many influential scholars. There are mentions of infidelity of the wife of the poet and the diaries of contemporaries, who did not give reason to doubt in their objectivity.

Keywords: Ball | Wife | Emperor | Classical | Poet | Pushkin | Saint-Petersburg | Spouse

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