
Wildfires in California: the city of Paradise burned down, Malibu evacuated


Wildfires in California: the city of Paradise burned down, ...

At least 9 people were killed and 150,000 were evacuated due to two major wildfires in California. The fire that broke out in the ...

Fire trap: 15-year-old Polish schoolgirls burned alive in the quest room


Fire trap: 15-year-old Polish schoolgirls burned alive in the ...

Games are one of the favorite activities of children and adults. Quests are very popular among young people now. Girls and boys ...

The most dangerous ski slopes


The most dangerous ski slopes

When beginners descend relatively safe slopes, seasoned pros and thrill seekers look for steep and dangerous ski slopes. Pictolic ...

10 photos of nature that won the battle with civilization in the exclusion zone around Chernobyl


10 photos of nature that won the battle with civilization in ...

The world's worst nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Pripyat back in 1986, and its effects are still ...

Miracle in the Andes: How the dead saved the living


Miracle in the Andes: How the dead saved the living

It was in October 1972. The Uruguayan youth rugby team flew to Chile with friends and relatives, a total of 45 people with the crew ...

Involuntary terrorist: how a crocodile became the culprit of a passenger plane crash


Involuntary terrorist: how a crocodile became the culprit of ...

An amazing tragicomic incident occurred in August 2010 in the sky over the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A miniature Let L-410 ...

Instagram models take candid photos in the Chernobyl zone and many are outraged by this


Instagram models take candid photos in the Chernobyl zone and ...

Instagram stars decided to raise their rating by taking ambiguous photos in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. They published pictures ...

Deceptive way: Chinese guide took tourists to Chelyabinsk instead of Chernobyl


Deceptive way: Chinese guide took tourists to Chelyabinsk ...

Chelyabinsk liquidators are so harsh that they took Chernobyl home and repaired it. Probably, this is how an enterprising guide ...

The 8 Most Shocking Doctors Make Mistakes


The 8 Most Shocking Doctors Make Mistakes

Your health is in good hands if you get to a qualified specialist. After all, doctors spend years learning and mastering their ...

8 things we didn't know about aviation


8 things we didn't know about aviation

Why are airplane windows round? Why do airplanes have curved wingtips? Why do passengers always board planes on the left side?

Ash rain and eclipse: Brazil is drowning in smoke due to fires in the Amazon forests


Ash rain and eclipse: Brazil is drowning in smoke due to ...

The Amazon rainforest, which is the largest rainforest in the world, has been burning for 16 days in a row. And the number of fires ...

On the anniversary of the explosion of a residential building on Guryanov Street in Moscow


On the anniversary of the explosion of a residential building ...

20 years ago, on the night of September 8-9, 1999, at 23.58, a powerful explosion occurred in the house No. 19 on Guryanov Street ...

8 Powerful Photos That Prove Our Planet Still Has a Chance


8 Powerful Photos That Prove Our Planet Still Has a Chance

Over 15.8 million hectares of forests and trees were destroyed in 2017, making it the second-worst year in history for tree losses. ...

Support staff talk about the worst cases they've experienced at work


Support staff talk about the worst cases they've experienced ...

While more and more people are becoming tech-savvy and able to solve simpler problems on their own, the world of technology is ...

At the cost of his own life: in Florida, a faithful dog died saving a family from a fire


At the cost of his own life: in Florida, a faithful dog died ...

The faithful dog proved his devoted love to his owners at the cost of his own life. He saved a family from death by leading people ...

Radioactive attraction: in Chernobyl, a control room was opened for tourists, where radiation is 40,000 times higher than normal


Radioactive attraction: in Chernobyl, a control room was ...

Excursions to the exclusion zone are becoming more popular, so even more new objects are being opened for visitors. Now tourists ...

Rays of kindness: a scientist from the USA sacrificed his career to save abandoned dogs in Chernobyl


Rays of kindness: a scientist from the USA sacrificed his ...

The Chernobyl disaster affected not only people, but also animals left for certain death. The soldiers were forced to carry out ...

From a clean slate: a woman forgot her husband after the accident, but fell in love again and married him


From a clean slate: a woman forgot her husband after the ...

Memory loss is one of the irreversible consequences of injuries. A mother of four children from New Zealand got into a terrible ...

The main culprit of the death of the Titanic was not an iceberg


The main culprit of the death of the Titanic was not an iceberg

More than a century has passed since a huge liner, making a flight from Southampton to New York, sank in the waters of the North ...

Deadly selfie: flying into eternity from a steep cliff 243 meters high


Deadly selfie: flying into eternity from a steep cliff 243 ...

Social networks become for many a place where they spend most of their time. For the sake of likes and subscribers, they commit ...

Global warming you can see. 8 signs


Global warming you can see. 8 signs

You don't just feel the heat of global warming, you can see it in action everywhere.

Snowstorm "Jonas" covered America


Snowstorm "Jonas" covered America

The northeast coast of the United States meets Monday with sunny and finally cloudless weather. Over the weekend, America ...

30 years since the Challenger disaster


30 years since the Challenger disaster

On January 28, 1986, at the 73rd second after the launch, the Challenger shuttle was destroyed. The cause of the disaster was ...

16 shocking photos of what's happening in Australia


16 shocking photos of what's happening in Australia

Almost the entire territory of Australia is on fire. Dozens of people and half a billion animals have already died, more than 80% ...

21 photos showing the aftermath of horrific bushfires in Australia


21 photos showing the aftermath of horrific bushfires in ...

In a few months, wildfires in Australia have destroyed 10 million hectares of land. In the state of New South Wales alone, about ...

The world mourns the legendary basketball player Kobe Bryant


The world mourns the legendary basketball player Kobe Bryant

On January 26, the world was shocked by terrible news: 41-year-old NBA champion Kobe Bryant died in a plane crash. Together with ...