The mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people there

The mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people there

Categories: Catastrophes

At 16:30 local time (10:30 Moscow time), groundwater broke into the mine of the Mir mine, owned by the diamond mining company Alrosa. 151 people were there at the time of the incident. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is conducting a rescue operation, there is no data on the dead. According to the Telegram channel Mash, created by a journalist of the publication Life, several people have been diagnosed with injuries — mostly light.

Updated at 16:29. Communication could not be established with 17 miners. The press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported this to the TASS news agency.

(6 photos in total)

The mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people there

After the accident, the head of Alrosa, Sergey Ivanov, flew to the scene. An operational group of the Ministry of Emergency Situations under the leadership of Minister Vladimir Puchkov left Buryatia. Doctors, divers and employees of paramilitary mine rescue units worked at the mine.

Posted by Roan Maxim (@maks_chalyy) Aug 3, 2017 at 8:29 PDT

Posted by Roan Maxim (@maks_chalyy)

The mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people thereThe mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people there

Perhaps the cause of the accident was a technological failure on the water storage tank. 200 thousand cubic meters of groundwater got into the mine. The accident occurred at a depth of about 200 meters, the total depth of the quarry is 500 meters.

Publication from YAKUTSK NEWS (@yakutsk_news) Aug 4, 2017 at 2:31 PDT

Publication from YAKUTSK NEWS (@yakutsk_news)

the elevator did not work. There is also evidence that all the water has subsided.

The mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people thereThe mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people there

On July 29, another accident occurred at the same mine. When the driver of the underground installation was transporting ore from the combine to the ore launch, the rock collapsed, and the driver of the loading machine was killed.

The mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people thereThe mine in Yakutia was flooded by groundwater, there were more than 150 people there

After it became known about the flooding of the mine, the shares of Alrosa fell at the auction of the Moscow Stock Exchange.

Keywords: Accident | Incident | Mine | Yakutia

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