Wonders of nature... the most unusual natural phenomena in the world!
Categories: Beauty | Europe | Nature | Photo project | Society | Travel | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/wonders-of-nature-the-most-unusual-natural-phenomena-in-the-world1.htmlUnderwater waterfall in the Indian Ocean. A fascinating natural phenomenon on the island of Mauritius. Here the waterfall is right in the ocean! Unfortunately, this spectacle can only be observed from a helicopter, it's worth it. From a height, it seems as if the water flows deep into the ocean ... Due to strong currents, deposits of sand, and silt, such a waterfall was formed. But this is just an optical illusion, and the color of the surface of the waters depends on the depth and corals.
1. Volcano with blue lava. One of the most visited natural phenomena in Indonesia is the Kawa Ijen volcano. This is truly a miracle of nature! In truth, this beautiful place is quite dangerous for a person. The volcano evaporates harmful substances, so being near it for a long time is dangerous to health. This phenomenon is nothing more than electrical flashes of blue gas, which we see as blue lava. This is how the mysterious blue liquid is obtained.
2. Rain of ... fish! They did not expect? This phenomenon occurs in Honduras. This is an extremely rare phenomenon that occurs after storms, tornadoes, and tornadoes. The wind picks up the fish from their habitat and carries them in an incomprehensible direction. There were times when not only fish fell from the sky, but also snakes, frogs, and even birds!
3. Light poles. This mesmerizing phenomenon is somewhat similar to the aurora, but in fact, they are two completely different phenomena. Such a landscape can be observed in very cold weather. Since ice crystals and light (even artificial) interact, and are reflected in the air by vertical light stripes.
4. Beach that glows, Maldives. At night, it looks like the starry sky has moved into the ocean. This phenomenon can be observed from July to February. in fact, such magic happens due to the fact that many microorganisms live on the shore, which glows very brightly - phytoplankton. These organisms in stressful situations, such as waves, begin to glow neon.
5. Moving rocks in Death Valley, California. Previously, there was a dried-up reservoir, on which there were stones that could move. No one was able to photograph this natural phenomenon, but traces of the movement of stones still remain. The explanation turned out to be obvious. Water periodically appears at the bottom of the lake, at night in cold weather, ice forms there. When the ice melts during the day, the pebbles eventually move smoothly.
6. Tree cocoons in Pakistan. This is a very interesting and unusual picture. A bunch of trees is wrapped in cobwebs. And all because of the fact that recently there have been frequent floods. And the spiders, fearing to die, made themselves houses in the trees. Thus, reducing the number of malarial mosquitoes, for which many thanks to the spiders!
7. Darvaz - "Gates of Hell". This phenomenon is nothing but a large gas crater in the middle of the desert. And it's all man's fault. Once during excavations, geologists discovered underground voids. They decided to dig deeper, as a result of which a huge hole was formed, from which gas then began to come out. In order not to frighten the local population, they decided to set fire to the gas, but they could not even know that there were deposits of gas in this hole, which as a result is still blazing. This 60-meter hole burns to this day. That's why this place is nicknamed "The Gates of Hell".
8. The eyes of the Sahara desert. One of the mysterious phenomena of nature. Previously, it was believed that this is just a trace of a meteorite that once fell to Earth. But scientists came to the conclusion that this is a mixture of rocks, which, under the influence of erosion, formed such rings. The spectacle is certainly impressive!
9. The most unusual tree is the rainbow eucalyptus. The trunk of this tree seems to be painted with paint. This miracle of nature is located in the Philippine Islands. As it matures, this tree continues to change its color. Every year there is a change of bark, like a change of image - and the tree takes on a new color!
Keywords: Nature | Beauty of nature | Natural phenomena | World | Earth | Island | Mauritius | Ocean | Waterfall
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