"Children are not yours, and you're not you" or the unborn woman became the mother of four children

"Children are not yours, and you're not you" or the unborn woman became the mother of four children

Categories: Children | Health and Medicine | North America | World

"These children are not your" — to such conclusion came the doctors after comparing DNA Lydia Fairchild and her own children. Those of whom she gave birth, was holding still babies, gave them names, raised...

If this woman's story is not widely known, hardly would you do in this believe. But what we will explain below, really!

"Children are not yours, and you're not you" or the unborn woman became the mother of four children

In 2002, a resident of the state of Washington Lydia Fairchild appealed to the civil service to receive social benefits in the context of divorce. She and her husband Jamie Townsend needed to have a DNA test to confirm family ties with children. But, to the great surprise of Lydia, the test in her case it was negative... Jamie Townsend really recognized the father of the children, but "she is a he no one." To such conclusion came in the lab.

"Children are not yours, and you're not you" or the unborn woman became the mother of four children

Re-testing have brought us the exact same results... coming soon Lydia began a huge problem: the woman called to the Prosecutor and started to figure out who she is, where she had the children who their real mother, and so on... Millions evidence in the form of photos of Lydia with children, videos, witnesses, including doctors and midwives who delivered, the Prosecutor was not satisfied. The main evidence in this case were DNA tests, and their results are said Fairchild.

Fortunately, at that time, Lydia was pregnant with a fourth child, and the woman's lawyer persuaded the court to wait for his birth, to compare the DNA of the baby with the mother's DNA. For the reliability of the results during childbirth in the house even attended an independent person who could confirm that the child Lydia had taken the tests.

"Children are not yours, and you're not you" or the unborn woman became the mother of four children

Their surprise knew no bounds when the test showed a negative result! "Can it really wrong?!" — this assumption has endangered not only the trial against Lydia, but all of the results of previous DNA tests, based on which handed down the death penalty...

"Children are not yours, and you're not you" or the unborn woman became the mother of four children

And here again was helped by the lawyer. Alan you came out has studied the archives and came across another similar case. In 1998, a 52-year-old Boston teacher Karen Keegan needed a kidney transplant. Three sons of the women agreed to be donors, but genetic analysis revealed that only one of them — my own. Conducted in this regard, studies have shown that Keegan was a Chimera is a creature, the body of which the original tissue with different genes.On the basis of this article, similar analyses were conducted with Lydia Fairchild and her family. But her situation was much more complicated... it turned Out that the skin and hair of the woman contain a single gene, and the cervix is completely different, corresponding to the genome of her children.

"Children are not yours, and you're not you" or the unborn woman became the mother of four children

So the doctors came to the conclusion that Lydia "tetragametic chimerism". It is formed at the early stage of pregnancy, when fertilization of the two ova by two sperm cells and the formation of a single organism from two zygotes. In other words, when the mother Lydia was pregnant, in her womb was another kid — a potential twin sister Lydia. But it did not develop as a separate fetus, and was absorbed by my sister at an early stage, therefore, has become part of her body.

So the unborn woman could become the mother of four children and to bring his sister a lot on your plate! Fortunately, after clarification of all details of this unusual case of Lydia Fairchild was acquitted. In 2006, on the American TV left channel dedicated to its history.

Keywords: Anomalies | Twin brothers | Gene | Genetics | Riddles | Interesting | Amazing people | Sisters | Strange

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