What do athletes' bodies look like?

What do athletes' bodies look like?

Categories: Photo project | Sport

The concept of the ideal shape of the human body appeared in ancient Greece, but the parameters of the ideal are constantly changing.

Let's look at interesting photographs that allow you to compare and feel the difference between the figures and bodies of athletes involved in different sports.

(Total 13 photos)

What do athletes' bodies look like?

What do athletes' bodies look like?

1. Photographer Howard Schatz's created a series of photographs that clearly show differences in the body structure of athletes.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

2. Athletes with relief muscles, marathon runners with “thin bones”, high bodies of athletes in long jumps, massive figures of wrestlers.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

3. If you line up the photos in one row, the difference becomes even more obvious.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

4. For example, representatives of: bodybuilding, weightlifting and rhythmic gymnastics.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

5. Also, most of these people are at the peak of their professional growth, representing the physical ideal necessary to participate and win in sports competitions.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

6. The athletic bodies in the photographs are a perfect example of how genetics, combined with years of training, create the ideal human body structure necessary for a particular sport.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

7. From left to right: two marathon runners, decathlon, marathon runner, running.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

8. Discus thrower, hammer throw, javelin throw, shot put - women and men.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

9. Boxing, basketball, golf, baseball, handball.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

10. Beach volleyball, football, table tennis, basketball, boxing.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

11. Football, swimming, cycling, basketball.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

12. Rhythmic gymnastics, sports aerobics, gymnastics, gymnastics, high jumps, gymnastics.

What do athletes' bodies look like?

13. Skiing, figure skating, hockey, water polo, water polo - women.

Keywords: Sport | Athletes | Body | Figures

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