The most vertical street in the world

The most vertical street in the world

Categories: Asia | Culture | Europe | People | Photo project | Society | Tradition | Travel | World

Baldwin Street or Baldwin Street, which is located in the city of Dunedin in New Zealand, is officially recognized as the steepest street in the world and is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Its slope reaches 19 degrees or a 35 percent gradient, meaning the road rises one meter in height every 2.86 meters. The most vertical street in the world has become a popular tourist attraction, as well as a host of fun competitions, which you will learn about by reading our post.


The most vertical street in the world

1. Baldwin Street is located in the North East Valley area of Dunedin. The 359-meter-long road leads to Signal Hill, which offers a beautiful view of Otago Bay. (Photo: Remon Rijper/

The most vertical street in the world

2. For better traction, the road to Baldwin Street is covered not with asphalt, but with concrete. (Photo: Luke Chapman/

The most vertical street in the world

3. The most vertical street in the world owes its appearance to ... a planning error. It was plotted on a map of the city, which was compiled by specialists in London, without taking into account the landscape and carrying out measuring work on the spot. (Photo: Emily Close & Dylan Muggeridge/

The most vertical street in the world

4. Baldwin Street was designed, like much of the city of Dunedin, by Charles Kettle in the late 19th century. (Photo: oxfordblues84/

The most vertical street in the world

5. This street was named after William Baldwin, an Otago provincial councilor and founder of a local newspaper. (Photo: oxfordblues84/

The most vertical street in the world

6. Since 1988, Baldwin Street has been the site of an annual event called "Baldwin Street Gutbuster", which attracts hundreds of people who want to run the street from the bottom up and back at speed. The winner's record of 1.56 seconds was set in 1998 and so far no one has managed to run this distance faster. (Photo: Emily Close & Dylan Muggeridge/

The most vertical street in the world

7. And since 2002, in July, Baldwin Street hosts a competition called "Jaffa Race" for the downhill of round chocolate-covered sweets (jaffas), which are pre-numbered, and must fall into a special funnel at the finish line. (Photo: Dunedin NZ/

The most vertical street in the world

8. Tragic events are also associated with Baldwin Street: in March 2001, a 19-year-old student from the University of Otago and her friend tried to drive down the street in a wheeled dumpster and collided with a parked trailer. The girl died on the spot, and her friend was taken to the hospital with a serious head injury. (Photo: Remon Rijper/

The most vertical street in the world

9. The most vertical street in the world is Baldwin Street in Dunedin. (Photo: John Owens/

The most vertical street in the world

10. Baldwin Street, thanks to a design error, has become world famous and has become one of the most visited tourist attractions in the city of Dunedin. (Photo: Josh Bingham/

The most vertical street in the world

11. Baldwin Street is the steepest street in the world. (Photo: oxfordblues84/

The most vertical street in the world

12. "Crooked" houses along the steepest street in the world look very funny. (Photo: Vileinist/

The most vertical street in the world

13. Street with the steepest rise in the world. (Photo: Kathrin & Stefan Marks/

Keywords: Vertical street | World | Cities | Countries | Photos | Baldwin Street | New Zealand | Tourists | Tourism

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