The most beautiful gray-haired actors

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

Categories: Celebrities | Fashion | World

Today, gray hair is on trend. This is used with pleasure by actors — some noble gray hair is very suitable.

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

The most memorable of the white-haired actors, of course, is Mr. Lewis in " Pretty Girl."

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

Richard Gere, who played him, was only 40 at the time, but his temples were already silvered with noticeable gray. This gave his character more solidity than age. It is known that Gir was never embarrassed by his hair that lost color early and he was not going to paint it over. The gray mane became his trademark.

But another Hollywood hunk, who began to turn gray at the age of 33, was very shy of gray hair. George Clooney painted it in the color that he had before turning gray, and sometimes he experimented. In the late 90s, in an attempt to hide the silver, he even bleached his hair.

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

But when Clooney let go of the situation, and at the same time — the beard of the same ash color as the hair, his appearance suddenly began to play with new colors. Already possessing a unique charm, the actor became even more seductive. Only now, seeing himself in this image, Clooney finally reconciled with himself.

It turns out that the famous heartthrob for a very long time hid gray hair from fans. When natural ash came into fashion, he was over 50.

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

At 54, he went out for the first time with an unpainted gray hair. The color, rather, could be called "salt and pepper". The English hunk hasn't turned completely white yet. However, it is known that the fans of the gray hair of the artist did not delight.

It suits Steve Carrel very well. As and George Clooney, he grew a gray beard, which emphasized the cool noble beauty of the resulting image.

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

For the first time coming out in a new image on the red carpet, he, as if apologizing, commented that such is his genetics. By the way, gray-haired in front of the public Carrel first appeared in 55 years.

Among the Russian stars, too, there are those who are decorated with gray hair. For example, the star of the TV series "Ugro" Sergey Gubanov. The actor's career has been taking off in recent years.

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

For the first time in the role of the opera, he starred in 33, and his temples were silvered even then. Gray hair adds brutality to the actor and makes his dark eyes even more expressive and hot. However, for roles, a young performer sometimes has to paint over fashionable gray hair.

Another brutal actor is Roman Ageev. For the first time, the Russian audience saw him in the film by Sergei Bodrov Jr. "Sisters".

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

Since then, Ageev has outplayed many criminal bosses. His hair also began to turn gray early, but this added to the actor's confidence. Unlike Sergei Gubanov, the directors do not paint over his gray hair.

In his youth, he acted little. The actor mostly served in the theater, and once even took a break from the profession, taking up business.

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

But when the actors were recruited in "Antikiller", Razbegaev was invited to the memorable role of a half-breed thief in law. Gray hair makes the artist interesting and gives him masculinity. Maybe that's why he plays military and criminal bosses?

The viewer remembers this actor as a burning brunette from the first Russian sitcom "Happy Together". Even then, a few strands of gray hair glistened in his hair, but they were almost invisible.

The most beautiful gray-haired actors

More solid and gray-haired, he appeared a few years ago in the TV series "Street". The actor played a bankrupt oligarch who returns to his bedroom neighborhood in which he grew up. So there was no question of painting over the gray hair.

Keywords: Hair | Star selection | Beautiful | Gray hair

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